Lightweight multitool with wire cutter


Newly Enlightened
Apr 14, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
I'm a long distance cyclist. On a 300km brevet last weekend one of my gear cables broke. Although I carry spare cables I soon discovered that without pliers and a means of cutting the cable I was in trouble. Fortunately I was able to limp along in one gear until the next checkpoint where the controller had some tools (rare and unexpected).

It got me thinking.

Do I buy a lightweight "leatherman" tool wihich includes this functionality? If so suggestions of model and source would be appreciated.

Or do I just buy a small pair of pliers with cutter built in?

My favourite tool is a Topeak Alien. I can fix just about anything out on the road, at work, or anywhere with it - but not gear cables


Squirt S4 - though it's heavy for it's size.
The wire cutters on most of the smaller multitools will cut copper wire. But, the tougher steel cable used on bicycles would be difficult to cut unless you used a multitool designed for the task, e.g, a Victorinox SwissTool or Spirit.
If you already have a tool that does everything you need but pliers, I would suggest just getting a good small pair of pliers. The small Vise-Grips are quite nice, not too expensive, and will cut hardened wire OK. If you decide to go with something like needle nose or linemans pleirs, I have found that the cutting edges on Klien brand tools hold up very well. The bypass cutters on most pocket tools will form a burr if you cut wire that's too hard and it makes the plier jaws almost impossible to open because the handles fold before you can exert enough force. I have not tried the Gerbers with the insert style bypass cutters.
a long distance cyclist too. would never carry an alien. way too heavy. have never ran into where I needed a cable cutter on road.

I've got a P4 right here and it looks too delicate to cut tuff bike cables. you need a full sized tool to do the job. heck most full sized tools still have a hard time cutting bike cables.

what I use is Felco cable cutters. those slice right through. that's what most shops will use. much better than park or shimano cutters.

I'm a confessed weight weenie. last long distance ride from Bolder, Co to Tulsa, OK. my loaded pack weight was 21lbs including paniers. that's for a fully self contained trip. you know.. tent, full rain gear, sleeping bag, etc.

here's the two candidates for lightweight tools with cutters.

leatherman 2.JPG

I'm with Cy on this one. You really need a pair of cable cutters for a clean cut. Most other cutters will just chew up a stranded cable and you won't be able to thread it.
The only real wire cutter in a multi tool that I know of is the "Urban Legend" (x), (x), (x), (x), (x), (x) of the Gerber Multitool 700 or 800 Series. I've been ogling it for quite a while. Might get one some day. Trouble is, I have more multi tools I could ever carry. But the tungsten carbide wire cutter inserts look really attractive. But then, again, I almost never have to cut wire. I might just think of it as a flashlight and just buy if because I still don't have one. :)
solution is before trip.... pull major maintenance, including all bearings and new cables. or carry inner cables which is pretty light.

maintained cables normally never fail. it's rusted cables that will bite you. shimono shifter cables use super stiff parallel strands and are really hard to cut cleanly. brake cables are not as bad.