LiIon and Primary Lithium battery storage


Newly Enlightened
Nov 30, 2005
With all these threads on exploding batteries, just curious how are you all storing your Primary Lithium (CR123) and LiIon batteries? I know the most likely to happen during the charging process, but just in case, I have been storing my batteries in 5.56mm ammo cans lately. To err, on the side of being conservative, I have been putting my Mag C flashlight w/ AW C LiIon in a empty 25mm projectile ammo container (No! I don't have 25mm ammo...I bought the empty containers at the local gun store). The 25mm container, is long enough to hold my longer flashlights.

While I haven't reduce the danger of exposure to HF should a poof occur, hopefully this should be enough to decrease the risk of burning down my house? Plus, having a box labelled "25mm projectile" looks great :eek:
I store my CR123A cells in a Pelican 1010 case with a pre-cut 15 cell foam insert. The cases and foam are availible @
With all these threads on exploding batteries, just curious how are you all storing your Primary Lithium (CR123) and LiIon batteries? I know the most likely to happen during the charging process, but just in case, I have been storing my batteries in 5.56mm ammo cans lately. To err, on the side of being conservative, I have been putting my Mag C flashlight w/ AW C LiIon in a empty 25mm projectile ammo container (No! I don't have 25mm ammo...I bought the empty containers at the local gun store). The 25mm container, is long enough to hold my longer flashlights.

While I haven't reduce the danger of exposure to HF should a poof occur, hopefully this should be enough to decrease the risk of burning down my house? Plus, having a box labelled "25mm projectile" looks great :eek:

I think most incidents occur when the batteries are either overcharged or physically damaged.

Would buy 'quality' cells (i.e. rather than the cheapest), protected cells are safer than unprotected ones and LiFePO4 cells are supposed to be very stable (although not as easily available it seems in all sizes).

But a box marked 25mm protectile does sound quite good! :grin2:
With Lithium primaries, most accidents occur during use or sometimes just afterwards. These accidents are rare, but they can happen if you use 2 mismatched cells in a light and/or if you use cheap junk cells.

If you have bought good-brand primary cells from a reputable dealer, and if before use you make sure they are well matched in make, chemistry, age, and state of charge, you will be extremely unlikely ever to have a problem. However if you buy cheap junk knock-off cells from some random Chinese website you came across on eBay, all I can say is… watch out.

With Li-Ion rechargeables, most accidents occur during recharging. There are a number of causes, overcharging being the most common but by no means the only one.

Cells are not a problem when properly stored. It is important to protect them from physical damage, moisture, and immoderate temperatures.