Lion stumbling block


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 27, 2007
Akron, Ohio
The lack of cr123 and 18650 holders is main reason I haven't switched.

There are other reasons, but this is the main.

other reasons: cost, charger that can do a pack, availability on demand, no 15 minute charger for them, lack of capacity advancement like nimh.

But really lack of holders to build a pack, (parallel packs prefered) is main reason.
I think LIONs are very cost effective.
Consider an AW 18650: can replace 3 AA Eneloops and will have a bit more capacity for similar or less cost.
As far as chargers , several options for good chargers around $50 that can charge LIONs,LIPO,Nimh and NiCd cells so can charge every cell you are likely to want to charge for several years. They can balance up to 4 LIONs also.
Holders - for 123s generally they will be used in a small light so no holder necessary. For multiple cells , usually better options than 123s anyway.
FM holders that I know of are 3x17670,6x17670,4x14670,8x14670 and the Elephant 4x,8x,12x 18650. I have a Mdocod 2 x 18650 holder for my Surefire M6 as alternative to the 6 x CR123 Surefire holder as well as FM 3x17670 holder.
So the way I see it ,cost,holders and chargers all covered.
I like the low discharge characteristics of LIONs too.

So it's all good for LIONs as I see it , should only get better with the new cells AW has talked about.
LIONs,LIPO,Nimh and NiCd cells so can charge every cell you are likely to want to charge for several years. They can balance up to 4 LIONs also.
Holders - for 123s generally they will be used in a small light so no holder necessary. For multiple cells , usually better options than 123s anyway.
FM holders that I know of are 3x17670,6x17670,4x14670,8x14670 and the Elephant 4x,8x,12x 18650. I have a Mdocod 2 x 18650 holder for my Surefire M6 as alternative to the 6 x CR123 Surefire holder as well as FM 3x17670 holder.
So the way I see it ,cost,holders and chargers all covered.
I like the low discharge characteristics of LIONs too.

You lost me on holders. Url of place that sells them?

I think I have one bookmark of a $80 charger than can charge any parallel pack using alligator clip. I am guessing you refer to dx on buying, comparing $8 for 3 AA verses one 18650. I am sure cost may be cycles to be considered.
You lost me on holders. Url of place that sells them?

I think I have one bookmark of a $80 charger than can charge any parallel pack using alligator clip. I am guessing you refer to dx on buying, comparing $8 for 3 AA verses one 18650. I am sure cost may be cycles to be considered.

4 AA eneloops cost me $20. 8 pack a bit cheaper. So 3 cost $12-15.
1 AW 18650 is $12 - that was the basis for my cost comparison.
FM - Fivemega and Mdocod are both forum members.
Charger - imax b6 for example. 1-6 LION cells , up to 15 Nimh/Nicd.
Reviews are very good except for reports that the balancing function is not spot on , but easily fixed with some 1% resistors. I can get them for $60 AUS (that's abouit $50 US)

Who or where is TD?
International shipping to Australia , as well as exchange rate means that prices I listed are hard to beat.

Thomas Distributing. Otherwise, Rayovac has had $5 off 4pk coupons and decent rebates on the Hybrids too making them very cheap. There must be some LSD cells for sale in B&M stores in Australia, no?
You can buy Li-Ion (they're not Lion) cells with tabs on them here:

They also sell the protection circuit and smart chargers for multi-cell packs. I don't know what you mean by "availability on demand". As far as fast chargers, you're just going to have to accept that the current crop of Li-Ion technology is not designed for 15 minute charge nor would I expect them to be able to do it in the near future. Think about it. If you have a 2.5AH cell and you want to charge it in 15 minutes, that's 10A of current. Take a pack and multiply that amount by the number of cells. Look at it a different way. Packs can hold typically around 40-50 Watt-hours of energy. You need 200W to charge in 15 minutes and this doesn't even take into account inefficiencies. Li-Ion charge differently than NiMH so that's another reason you don't see "15 minute" chargers.

As far as lack of capacity advancement, there's a tradeoff. Self-discharge plagues a lot of "super duper high capacity" NiMH. I've thrown all that 2600mAH crap away for 2000mAH Eneloops that hold their charge for at least a couple of weeks.
You can buy Li-Ion (they're not Lion) cells with tabs on them here:
As far as lack of capacity advancement, there's a tradeoff. Self-discharge plagues a lot of "super duper high capacity" NiMH. I've thrown all that 2600mAH crap away for 2000mAH Eneloops that hold their charge for at least a couple of weeks.

Thanks, guys.

This brings up a side question about newer Nimh. I see http://www.thomasdistributingshop.c...Pk-FREE-4-Cell-Battery-Holder_p_147-1356.html and the newer 2450's at Wallymart claim %40 longer self discharge over 2005 models. Any opinions?

Now if I wanted to make own tabs on some 123a's I have laying about, where locally can I buy a conductive epoxy?
Thomas Distributing. Otherwise, Rayovac has had $5 off 4pk coupons and decent rebates on the Hybrids too making them very cheap. There must be some LSD cells for sale in B&M stores in Australia, no?

I don't know what a B&M store is. Bondage and Masochism?
Prices I stated for Eneloops is accurate. Best I have heard of is $35 for 8.
Brick & Mortar - ones you walk into and buy things.

I see, that makes more sense. Saves me a trip to the seedy end of town :)

We have Tandys (Radio Shack). I think best they do is $46 for 8 Eneloops when on special!
Most B&M stores just keep Energizers and Duracells.
I see, that makes more sense. Saves me a trip to the seedy end of town :)

We have Tandys (Radio Shack). I think best they do is $46 for 8 Eneloops when on special!
Most B&M stores just keep Energizers and Duracells.

You do a search on the internet for Australia for cheaper Eneloops, and listen to fellow Aussies who know the ins and outs of finding NiMh's or Li-Ions. You will prevail given time.

You do a search on the internet for Australia for cheaper Eneloops, and listen to fellow Aussies who know the ins and outs of finding NiMh's or Li-Ions. You will prevail given time.


I don't mean to be argumentative , but I have done that. That's where I heard about the "special" price at Tandys.
It's also where I found my cheapest source - $35 for 8 Eneloops:

If any Aussies have info for reliable cheaper source I'd appreciate the information. Shipping cost is low there and I received my order the next day , got email advising it was shipped a couple of hours after I ordered
so full marks there.

[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Extreme Torches offers the following Shipping options (within Australia).
Free Express Post shipping for all orders over $100.
Flat $5.00 Express Post charge for orders under $100.[/FONT]

Anyway , don't want to hijack the thread. I'm really happy with LIONs, I think that should be obvious by now :)
I don't mean to be argumentative , but I have done that. That's where I heard about the "special" price at Tandys.
It's also where I found my cheapest source - $35 for 8 Eneloops:

If any Aussies have info for reliable cheaper source I'd appreciate the information. Shipping cost is low there and I received my order the next day , got email advising it was shipped a couple of hours after I ordered
so full marks there.

[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Extreme Torches offers the following Shipping options (within Australia).
Free Express Post shipping for all orders over $100.
Flat $5.00 Express Post charge for orders under $100.[/FONT]

Anyway , don't want to hijack the thread. I'm really happy with LIONs, I think that should be obvious by now :)

I'm sorry, I miss posted. I meant to reply to OP.
