List of epoxies that work with GItD powders


Aug 3, 2010
I'd like to make a list of epoxies which are known to work with being loaded with various glow powders, since Ive heard of some cures being inhibited when glow powder is added, and Ive seen 5 minute epoxy take a week to cure when I loaded it with brass powder.

Feel free to list your own and I'll try to keep the list updated. Try to list the manufacturer, the product name, and glow powder you used.

Known working epoxies for mixing with glow powder:
Permatex Permapoxy 30 minute, known to work with glow inc ultra green, and ultra blue
Norland Optical Adhesive 61, known to work with ultra green and ultra blue
Other suggested epoxies Ive seen online:
Environmental Technology Inc Envirotex lite
Devcon 30 minute/2 ton epoxy.

Looking forwards to hearing what else works for you guys :)
Devcon and ETI both work, a does Loctite. I have not had any prolem with curing. I have had issue with epoxies turning sort of brownish, which I asume is due to the lack of UV resistance. I have also used Aeromarine epoxy successfully and several different resins. My casting medium of choice is Easy Cast or ETI. All used with Glow Inc powders (all), naturally.
Cool, which speed cure epoxies were you using? fast cure 5 min stuff? or the slower stuff. I havent seen any slow-cure (30 min or longer) epoxy have issues with being mixed or filled, just 5 min devcon, and a another 5minute epoxy which I cant recall what it was.

I havent tried mixing GITD powder with the devcon 5 min, seeing the results with other fillers, plus the "5 minutes" isnt much time to mix the epoxy, mix in the powder fully, and apply, and let it smooth out on its own before its set.
Don't use the 5 minute unless you really have it all together. It is not for the novice! I rarely use the 5 min, and I have been doing this for quite a while. The 30 minute is fine and gives you plenty of wiggle room. Be sure the surface is level while it is curing. It will self level. keep checking it during curing for the dreaded bubbles and either use a pin to pop them or blow on them and the heat from your breath will pop them.