Lithium AA batteries cheap?


Feb 3, 2004
s.c. usa
Can some one please tell me where I can get some inexpensive lithium AA. I'm going on a missions trip in August where there's no electricity.I thought for sure that I bought my last ones from batterstation for a buck a piece,but I don't see them for that price on their website anymore.Any help would be appreciated.BTW, I did a search here and couldn't find any info.Thanks again!
Sams club has the 12 packs for $19.99. Why can't you use rechargeables?
Where are you going that you can't charge? Since your not needing long term storage a bulk pack of alkaline would work, unless your backpacking and need to save the weight.
I'm going to the Kuna Islands on a medical missions trip.They actually live in thatch huts with dirt floors,no toilets,no running water etc.They actually "go" in the Ocean.
Yes - got a Solar rechargeable light at Big Lots for something like $8 or $10. Solar battery chargers aren't expensive if you get some like Harbor Freight usually has. Then there are Eternalights which can seem to run forever depending on how much light you need out of them - they are very adjustable. And there are the crank lights that will run for 1/2 hour to an hour or more on just about 30 seconds to one minute of cranking. I see them on eBay and saw some recently at Target. I'd say take a mix of the things mentioned above. Then let us know what worked best :)