Lookin for video - Bush in Dailyshow


Newly Enlightened
Nov 28, 2007

I've been searching their page for over an hour now but I cant find it.
When the daily show is aired in germany its always with some delay so I cant tell you which episode it was.

The only thing I know is that it had to do with Bush and I think some "Good Bye speech/interview".

He is talking about Abu ghraib and weapons of massdestruiction, that it was a "disappointment" and about what he could have done different at Katrina in '05.

I think it must be some more actual episode but I cant tell if that Bush speech was from novembre, decembre or ...

Maybe someone knows which episode/date I'm so desperately looking for.

Thanks in advance.

p.s. I'm posting that on a flashlight forum since this is the only englishspeaking forum I'm in, I hope theres noone mad at me
The Daily Show did a "review" of the Bush years on the day or two after the inauguration on January 20th. You might check those shows. I think Bush's speech was just prior to the inauguration, as he was trying to summarize his career in an interview with Fox News.
(you might check any video clips that Fox News has too...)

Steve K.