Looking for 18560 battery holder


Newly Enlightened
Dec 28, 2008
Does anybody know of a source for 3 * 18560 battery holder? I am looking for one in parallel that would be stored inside a pack.
Go to hardware store and look for the PVC. Look for a tube that fits 3 18650's and 2 ends. Waa Lah!!
I could see how that would work if they were connected in a series and stacked, but how would that work if connecting in parallel. I don't want to sodder the batteries and am looking for an alternative solution.
There are, so far as I can tell, no sources for even 1x18650 holders, let alone 3x18650.
Get a small plastic box that can accommodate the cells with some additional space for the contacts (look in dollar stores and such), dremel it to suit, glue metal contacts in place.