Looking for 3.6v rechargeable CR2s


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 11, 2005
Trieste, Italy
DX and Kai have RCR2s, but they are all of the 3v regulated kind.
I need a pair of unregulated 3.6/3.7v ones.
Any idea where I can get them cheap? I tried searching eBay, but all I can find (from people who'll ship overseas; I'm in Italy) are 3.0v cells...
I need them unregulated (never said unprotected) because I need 3.6v for the use I have in mind, 3.0v isn't enough.
Thanks for the link, will have a look :)

Edit: 7.40 each? Whoa! 3.0v regulated RCR2s are 2.67 each delivered on Kaidomain... and they are supposed to be more expensive because of their regulators...
Any other cheaper source for 3.6v RCR2s? I do not need high quality batteries, i.e. any cheapo knockoff will do just fine. I also don't much care if the capacity is overstated.

Edit2: I noticed he has the unprotected ones for $4, but he doesn't say anything about international shipping. He charges $4.50 for US shipping though, so even if he did do international it'd end up way too expensive.
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The best battery makes are generally acknowledged to be Wolf Eyes, Pila and AW. Other CPFers will no doubt speak up for other manufacturers, but I don't think there is too much disagreement about the three I have mentioned.

Pila and WE do not make RCR2s, so that leaves AW, whose cells have been (and continue to be) bought by 100s of very discriminating and critical-eyed people on this forum. His products and service are excellent.

If you wnat to save a very few $$ by buying cheap, fine, take your chance, but remember that on the whole you get what you pay for.