Looking for a 2xAA (1xAA) multilevel plastic light.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 29, 2004
The Wilds of Tokyo
In the past I've used Tektite and other multi 5mm LED lights for traveling when I'll be in or around the beach or ocean but I'm looking for something with more power. I've looked at UK, Princeton Tec, Streamlight, and Pelican and I've only found a Streamlight, 2xAA Propoly, to fit my basic requirements.

The problem is that it has only a .5W emitter and one level of brightness. Ideally I'd like multi levels, 2-3, and a more efficient/stronger LED. If there was a single AA light that met these requirements that would serve as well but I'm sticking to the AA battery requirement since I can find those pretty much anywhere I go. Also a plastic/polymer body is a must and it should be at least splash-proof.

Are there any lights I've missed?

Maybe something in Titanium or Stainless Steel could work too?
Look at the Icon Modus series. I don't have any firsthand experience with them but they look pretty cool and they are two mode, plastic, and take AA batteries.
I've been looking around for the same thing but nothing so far. The upcoming UK 3AA CPO eled is 3 AA and only 1 level. So I'm waiting for the zebralight 2AA to come out in June but its aluminum.
Thanks for the input npb. The Icon Modus hadn't shown up on my radar. I've done a little reading on it and I'm not snapped about the regulation but in nearly all other respects it looks like it will work for what I need. I'll have to get one to try out.

I'm going to keep looking though since I like to have options. Keep the ideas coming.

Yes, that's true. The regulation method is definitely different on the Icons than on other lights we are familiar with here. Tempest summarizes it very well in his review I think:

Modus has the same regulation as the Rogue. To summarize – after 10 minutes on high, the light will begin to dim very gradually. Upon swtiching the light off and on again, however, the light will kick back in on high again. Rinse and repeat. In reality, the "dimming" is actually very hard to notice, and doubt even CPFers would imediately notice that their light is dimming, especially when the light is actually being used rather than shone at a white wall. I think this regulation is one of the best features of the ICON lights and suits their target market well. If you're only using your light for short periods of time, rather than taking them on night expeditions through the mountains, into caves, or through a warzone, then having the light come on at its brightest every time becomes more important than flat regulation for hours on end.

In normal EDC usage where the light is only used a few minutes at a time, the strange step-downs become a moot point, as the light never even gets to that point. If you are going to have it on for a long periods of time, then I could see where this may be a disadvantage. Though, it would be quite awhile before the decrease becomes noticeable.

The only other advantage I can see from this is perhaps a better battery life, thanks to lower draw as the driver steps down output (but I am not a circuit guru, so take that with a grain of salt.)

Anyways, it seemed like it might fit your needs. If you get one, please do let us know your thoughts, there hasn't been a whole lot of discussion of the Icon lights as brand as far as normal day to day usage.
nbp, unfortunately this will be more for walks on the beach, room illumination during blackouts, and work on boats for night fishing etc. so it will probably be used for longer stretches.

I went ahead and ordered one of each size from Brightguy and hope I receive them here before my next foray so I can test them a bit.

Lynx_Arc, I have an eLED 90 degree but it is on the chopping block for an upgrade. It's just not all that bright and as you mention it is a 4xAA light. If I can get some decent light out of it I may just go with it if the Modus doesn't work out.

nbp, unfortunately this will be more for walks on the beach, room illumination during blackouts, and work on boats for night fishing etc. so it will probably be used for longer stretches.

I went ahead and ordered one of each size from Brightguy and hope I receive them here before my next foray so I can test them a bit.

Lynx_Arc, I have an eLED 90 degree but it is on the chopping block for an upgrade. It's just not all that bright and as you mention it is a 4xAA light. If I can get some decent light out of it I may just go with it if the Modus doesn't work out.

yeah most of the polymer type LED lights need upgraded emitters badly they are 3 generations behind at least
nbp, unfortunately this will be more for walks on the beach, room illumination during blackouts, and work on boats for night fishing etc. so it will probably be used for longer stretches.


wouldn't a good headlamp be better for working on boats? when i go night fishing whether on a boat or on the shore i find my most used light is my Zebralight H501. It runs off 1xAA and has more than enough levels of light for use and still leaves my hands free and i don't have to worry about dropping the light overboard when reaching for the leader of my fishing line or when tying rigs and all.

The H501 comes with a clip attachment as well so you could clip it on your fishing vest or any convenient spot and someone did a magnet mod so it could attach to metal surfaces (pretty cool idea but i don't a need for that).

i also use my H501 when reading in bed at night so as not to bother She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed and even at its lowest level, its enough to find your way around esp in pitch blackness
Just my $0.02 worth.
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yeah most of the polymer type LED lights need upgraded emitters badly they are 3 generations behind at least

Agreed. My Propolymer Luxeon is also on the chopping block, currently in pieces in fact. I plan on putting a SSC in it. I like my Recoil LEDs too but they could use a little help as well but I'm not talented enough to replace those LEDs.

hyperloop, you are right about most uses on a boat but my Zebra doesn't have much in the way of throw and isn't conducive to being "lent" to someone. I'll probably take it anyway though; can never have too many lights.


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