Looking for a 8AA to USB Phone Charger


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 31, 2001
San Gabriel Valley + Burbank
Does an item like this exist?

I wanted something that will hold 8-12AA batteries for my emergency kit that will charge my cell phone via USB output and allow me to use those AAs for other devices such as a flashlights/radios/etc if needed.

Thanks in advance!
The Minty Boost is a 2 AA USB charger. I built a couple as an emergency cell phone battery/charger backup and iPod battery extender.

The link as has list of tested devices.

Some people are selling them built - google minty boost.
Look around for the Duracell Mobile Charger. Here's a listing for it on amazon.com.

I got one of these and it works as advertised. Aside from acting as a NiMH charger for up to 4 AA/AAA batteries, you can switch modes and have it charge a device using the AA batteries using a USB port on the charger. I was able to charge my phone using the device and 4 AA batteries, then when I got home used the same device to recharge the AA's I'd used.