Looking for a multi-mode Q5 EDC


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 2, 2008
I'm looking for a multi-mode cree Q5 (or as bright/brighter) without strobe or SOS for EDC. I'd like it to run off a single 14500, but I would go with a 17500 or 18500 li-ion if needed. Mode memory is preferred. I'd like to keep it under $60, but I would consider going higher if there was a really great light.

Anyone have an idea what might fit the bill?
Mike at PTS will have the Wolf Eyes Angel if that is to your liking - shameless plug, sorry :eek:
:devil:Glen C ....... why would you give that shameless plug ?

That light's not even available yet.

There's no info about it.

How can YOU know enough about it ... to recomend it ?

Why did you suggest it ???

The IncenDio looks nice, but I have a pile of 14500 ultrafire's sitting around due to a DX mistake I didn't care to take the time to correct.

The NiteCore Defender Infinity looks great, but with a price tag to match. I definitely like the balance between runtime and output i've seen in the reviews. The construction seems wonderful too.

The Jetbeam IBS would be great if the strobe/SOS can be disabled. I would like the high high-output, but the runtime would kind of push me away, since I travel a lot and can't always bring extra batteries along.

The problem with all of these lights is the price is higher than I would like to pay, what with the recent gas price hikes in my area (about 50 cents US in the last 2-3 weeks, expected to hit $4 US within the next month) that could leave me :broke:.

I could make my own light from scrap stainless at my jobsite and some quality flashlight guts if someone could point out a good place to buy them from. I was also looking at this:

or forgetting the low modes and direct driving the C3 SST

Keeping this in mind, is it worth it to spring for the Infinity or Jetbeam, or am I better off with the cheap flashlight?

Oh, and by the way, how do you put your own words in place of a link?
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The Jetbeam IBS would be great if the strobe/SOS can be disabled. I would like the high high-output, but the runtime would kind of push me away, since I travel a lot and can't always bring extra batteries along.

The problem with all of these lights is the price is higher than I would like to pay, what with the recent gas price hikes in my area (about 50 cents US in the last 2-3 weeks, expected to hit $4 US within the next month) that could leave me :broke:.

Keeping this in mind, is it worth it to spring for the Infinity or Jetbeam, or am I better off with the cheap flashlight?

The JetBeam Jet-IIIPRO I.B.S (18650) you can disable the strobe and sos.
225 Lumen for 1.5 hrs
20 Lumen for 24 hrs
2 Lumen for 150 hrs

sounds worth it to me :) I love mine! :twothumbs
I would have thought the NDI fits you bill perfectly......

except for the price.....

which is only $10-20 above your max price.....

which you will "make back" by using 14500's instead of having to buy AA's.

Hopefully, in a year from now, you won't even remember the extra paid. (that's how I justify all the things I purchase :D. The wife always remembers though :poke:)