Looking for an impressive thrower. ~$200.



I'm thinking my next big purchase will be a flashlight. I was thinking of getting a decent thrower for use around my property up in the mountains, and for just messing around at night.

I really like this checklist! Great idea!

1) How would you prefer to purchase the light?

Ordering online.

2) Budget: An easy question, but you may change your mind after answering the rest! :)

I was thinking around $200.
Maybe a little more if it's worth it. $300 is not a little more than $200.

3) Format:

I want a flashlight.

4) Flashlight-specific format/size:

Less than a foot long, about 3 inches or so at the front. About the size of a 3C maglite or a can of spray paint. Something I could fit in a bag or glove box.

5) Emitter/Light source:

LED of course.

6) Manufacturer:

I want to buy a light from a traditional mass producing manufacturer that is ready to go out of the box.

7) What battery type do you want to use?

I was thinking about getting some rechargeable 18650s. They seem like the best option available right now. However, I don't know much about them, so any info (what brands to avoid, what accessories do I need, etc) or links you can provide would be much appreciated.

8) How much genuine out the front (OTF) light do you want/need?

700-1000 lumens. The more the merrier.

9) Throw vs. Flood: At what distance will you be most likely to use this light? Select all that apply.

150+ yards (I want maximum throw possible)

10) Runtime: Not over-inflated manufacturer runtime claims, but usable brightness measured from first activation to 50% with new batteries (Measured on maximum output).

About an hour at max brightness would probably be good.

11) Durability/Usage: Generally the old phrase "you get what you pay for" is very accurate for flashlights.

Very Important. I'm not going to abuse the light, but I want to know it's going to work when I turn it on.

12) Switch Type and location (choose all that apply):

I want a forward clicky. Tail cap or on the side, it doesn't matter to me

13) User Interface (UI) and mode selection. Select all that apply.

I want at least a high and low. More would be fine. I don't need blinking modes, but it seems like every light has them these days.


Anodized Aluminum – either type II or III (Hard Anodized) (Aluminum, specifically HA, is the most common material/finish for today's flashlights).

15) Special Needs/extras: Is there anything else you want or need that hasn't been mentioned? Select any below.

I can't think of anything right now.