Looking for an old light: “bug light” 2xAAA with hat clip


Mar 17, 2007
As the title says I'm looking for the make/model/info on a light that I used to have.

Probably purchased around 1995-2000



Available at Walmart

Thought there were called "bug lights" or "bug lites". At least that is what we called them.

Its design resembles the 511 EDC heavily. Very similar look. 2 AAA loaded side by side, inserted through the hole after removing the lens. They came with a removable hat clip that allowed you to clip to the side of the bill as opposed to the front of the bill. So the opening on the clip faced the side of the light not the rear. When clipped to a hat the light was slipped over the side edge of the bill and the body ended up riding on top of the bill.

I recall the light emitted was very white compared to lights i had owned up to that point and it was very bright for its size. The perfect hunting light for walking into the woods.

Any identifying this guy?

Well I answered my own question. Randomly found someone mention the brand and it triggered me: Underwater Kinetics

Still available in Xenon and also LED.
YES! As you were describing it, I said "Sounds like the old UK light."

I bought one in 2000/2001. I remember it vividly as I had it on a bus trip from NJ to Maine for a family member's wedding. Incredibly bright for such a tiny light. Actually one of the first lights I had that was small enough to fit in my pocket everyday and bright enough for serious usage.

I remember as a "regular" flashlight person at the time being shocked how hard it was to find a replacement lamp when the original burned out and never got around to replacing the bulb.
So I ordered one for the nostalgia. It's interesting what we could get by with back then, and truthfully still could. This was the only light I'd carry in the woods with me hunting and never thought twice about it. Now I'm wearing a headlamp this same size that puts out 500+ Lumens and carrying a similar size and spec flashlight as a backup. Most any light I have now, regardless of how big they are is multiple times brighter than this light... but truth be told this would be fine for most tasks. I like you remember at the time thinking this was the brightest, whitest light for its size I had ever seen.

When I remembered the brand and looked at their site, I found many other lights I remember from back then that they made and I had forgotten about. They are kinda stuck in time in some regards, but I guess have a niche with the whole intrinsically safe / industrial / diving needs that they seem to cater to.


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