Looking for Modder for SF U2


Dec 16, 2007
Hey guys. I am looking for someone who has some experience and would be interested in doing an emitter swap on a U2 for me. Nitroz is not currently able to take on projects, so I was just looking to see if anyone else is doing these mods. Thanks in advance.
I'd be in for a mod for my U2 as well. Might of been great in its day but to have something this size and be 1/4 the output of my keychain light really doesn't make sense.
Personally I don't mind the output actually and I love the floody beam of the SSC P4. I like it just as a winter night hiking light, so I don't need a lot of output. I just want better tint and color rendering for walking in the woods. Things get a little washed out in the snow with the cool tint.
I didn't specifically, no. I assumed the modders browsed this subforum, but perhaps not. I will reach out to him directly. Thanks. :)
Will do. He said in his general discussion thread that it should be possible so I have an email out to him now to see about having him look at it. With a premium emitter and running on a 16650 this light will be a fantastic hiking/camping light where beam pattern is more important than absolute brightness. The large tail button and selector dial make it easy for use with gloves and literally anyone can learn how to use it in seconds.
My friend modified U2, there is nothing complicated. Here is his topic on a friendly forum, the video died in 2011, but the photos are alive and the description is quite detailed.

Attention should be paid to the description of the step-by-step process

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Nitroz did mine; I am /HEAVILY/ biased towards the older LuxV version rather than the revised P4 version for modding.
The older driver did ~double the wattage, so putting a modern 6v emitter will simply bury anything done with the P4 platform.
Back in the day it was the 2s2p MC-E, when Nitroz did mine it was the 6v XML-EZW, the last I read it was the SST 50 or whatever they called them.

The other good reason is the boost circuit of the LuxV version - getting near-spec drive currents when using a single (large) LiIon instead of 2xCR123.
Using that single LiIon in the buck-circuit P4 version, means that the final result will unfortunately be underdriven - and will also be declining-output direct drive instead of the ~regulated behavior of a boost-driven 1x LiIon.

NBP, if you were serious about this mod, I would very very much recommend obtaining a LuxV U2 for this, instead of your P4.
Hope this helps & all is well,
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Got my U2 back from Vinh already! He put a beautiful Nichia 219b 4500k 90CRI emitter in for me. I took it for a nice hike tonight through the frozen marsh and woods behind my place and was very pleased. It's not a barn burner, as Kestrel mentioned, but I didn't need it to be. I have other lights for that. Plus when it's dark and you're away from the house lights you don't need a lot. I would say it is pretty close to the output of my HDS N170 with a Nichia, and it has a great beam pattern. More throw than the stock emitter but lots of spill and a very clean beam. One slight ring near the outside of the spill when white wall hunting but unnoticeable when in use in the grasses and trees. The cold blue Seoul washed things out but now I have much better depth perception and can distinguish finer details despite everything being a shade of dead and brown or snow this time of year. Haha. Very satisfied!
Happy to hear that, NBP. That bluish SSC P4 was my least favorite emitter ever, when accounting for the state of tech for its time.

The smooth floody beam pattern of the SSC P4 was lovely, but the cool tint ones were rough compared to what we have now. When HDS released a Clicky with a HICRI SSC P4 and I got one, all those years ago, I was blown away by how good it was. A taste of the progress to come!