Looking for something for the "kid" (RESOLVED)

Dude Dudeson

Jun 8, 2009
Sacramento, California
I just tested out my 6PLD/M60 combo on this road my roommate's 18 year old kid walks on at night - he'd told me if I wanted to do a hardcore "pitch black test" that was where to go.

He wasn't kidding - it's a narrow mountain road far from the city, there was no moon, and the trees block out any starlight you'd get. It was so dark I was able to light up the paint/reflectors on the road 500 feet away - even MY light doesn't normally do that!

After that walk I realized he's INSANE to be walking there with no light! But that's what having a girlfriend 2 miles down that road will do...

I want to find him something that is:

1. CHEAP (under $25 - he'll find a way to lose the thing within a year).

2. AA battery(s), although AAA could be considered.

3. At least 20 lumens (but 15 could work if it's extra cheap).

4. Must be LED (for runtime/battery consumption).

5. Available in the US (preferably in a store, I'd really like to avoid paying for shipping).

His mother will be paying for this so that's why it really has to be cheap, yet I want to try and find the best thing possible for the money - does anything exist within the above parameters?
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Re: Looking for something for the "kid"

#5's the kicker, but since he's not a flashaholoic,(yet), and has lowish expectations he'd probably be blown away by a MiniMag LED that you could walk in to any Walmart or Target and buy. Since it's a relatively long hike you might ask if he'd consider a headlamp to free his hands up.
After a month with that casually introduce him to this website. haha.
Oh, since $ is a concern you might want to go low on the light and get a battery/charger combo so he doesn't go broke feeding the light every day.
Re: Looking for something for the "kid"

#5's the kicker, but since he's not a flashaholoic,(yet), and has lowish expectations he'd probably be blown away by a MiniMag LED that you could walk in to any Walmart or Target and buy. QUOTE]

No, because he's already been blown away by my 6P/M60 - he was with me the night of that test lol!

As for batteries, he already has a ton of rechargeable AA's, and they buy regular AA's by the 24 pack or something at a really cheap price.
Re: Looking for something for the "kid"

Romisen RC-N3

Free shipping, durable, under $20, it's at least 60 lumens if not more, works on AAx2, or 1xCR123 if he disassembles the tube.


Wow, FAR beyond what I'd have expected to find!

Thanks for the link - and thanks to CPF in general. This place has really "enlightened" me - PUN INTENDED lol!
Re: Looking for something for the "kid"

Wow, FAR beyond what I'd have expected to find!

Thanks for the link - and thanks to CPF in general. This place has really "enlightened" me - PUN INTENDED lol!

You don't have to get it from DX if you prefer it available in US, which Shiningbeam carries RC-N3, amongst other choices. So, take your pick. Their delivery is FAST.
Re: Looking for something for the "kid"

Inova Bolt 2AA can be had at Target. Not sure what they go for these days but they're made in USA and built like a tank.
Re: Looking for something for the "kid"

I have three of these and really like them:


Of course, it is a 4 dollar light and you get what you pay for, but it is a decent brightness, around 35 lumens I'd guess although it claims 50 and its definitely close to that but I don't have a meter, and has impressive build quality for the price. Uses 1xAA. Of the three I bought one has a great tint, one has an ok tint and one has a rather poor bluish purple tint. Nevertheless, I think all three are awesome for 4 bucks, 4.75ish with shipping.

I only mention them though since you emphasized cheap and 25 lumens. For around 20 bucks you could also get him something great like a romisen rc-n3. You could get him the p4 version from dx, for like 17 bucks with free shipping, if you don't mind the long delivery time. You could always buy both and still be in your price range.
Re: Looking for something for the "kid"

Thanks guys, ended up going with the Romisen through DX - time isn't too much of an issue (he's borrowing my old Mag for now) and with free shipping it's all good. That was my reason for stating US availability - wasn't about to pay for international shipping for this lol!