Looking for Ti PD-S Head - FOUND!!!
:wave:Aloha CPF! :wave:
I am in search of a Ti PD-S head. I have a headless Ti LS27 body that wants to be used. I am willing to part with my round body Milky Seouled L1 with Al Nekomane tailguard. If I can find the original one, I will send it.
This light has been my trusty backup EDC and shows some light wear. You can also take your pick from my Hawaiian Punch Monkey's Fist thread! I have several left from the second run. I would appreciate any help!
Mahalo Nui Loa!!!:grouphug:
:wave:Aloha CPF! :wave:
I am in search of a Ti PD-S head. I have a headless Ti LS27 body that wants to be used. I am willing to part with my round body Milky Seouled L1 with Al Nekomane tailguard. If I can find the original one, I will send it.
This light has been my trusty backup EDC and shows some light wear. You can also take your pick from my Hawaiian Punch Monkey's Fist thread! I have several left from the second run. I would appreciate any help!
Mahalo Nui Loa!!!:grouphug:
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