Lost C3 Centurion, need recommendations please!


Newly Enlightened
Sep 6, 2006
So, I lost my C3 in the process of moving :mad::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: I went through EVERYTHING twice, and its nowhere :( RIP little buddy. SO, I am looking for a new one, and you gurus are my first and only choice for recommendations!

I was somewhat upset that the C3 drained batteries that quickly, but I got used to that. What made me more upset than the batteries, is that if I had the light on for more than two minutes, it would become very hot. Yes, its a high powered incandescent, I know.

Anyways, I am looking for an LED light that is just as bright, or more bright than the incandescent C3, and I need it to be able to dim, so I can use it when I do not want full power.

What do you guys think about the E2D LED Defender? It throws 120 lumens max, which seems very nice, and it also has a dimmer.

I have only had SF's, but if there is another reputable company that has a LED light that I would like, then please let me know! Thanks for your input!
E2DL? Not over a C3 + Wolf Eyes 2-Mode R2 WC + 2x17500. Not a chance.
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He's right! You need to get another C3 and a top quality 2 stage LED drop in.
Anything else is a real let down. See my sig line.
I wouldn't call the E2DL a toy. Though I am thinking of selling mine off for an E1B and getting a C3 to put a DX R2 drop in module in there....I've always like the the C2/C3. This thread is really pushing me to get one!
You guys always make me want more LOL.

An M60 would be nice, but I want a dimmer or a low power choice for when I dont want 230+ lumens...I guess I cant get that with a drop in?
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Sure you can!

Multi level drop in's are made by many companies one is Deerelight. I have no direct experience with them. I just bought different strengths of Malkoffs since I'm not too fond of multi-mode.

One last question...are those tactical heads for the C2/C3 etc. on ebay any good? The shipper is always from Honk Kong. I could only find a stainless steel tactical head from lighthound and not a black one.
I don't want to disparage the E2D/E2DL but I was so excited to get one after getting my first C3. I was on vacation and had the C3 with me and saw an Outdoor World and stopped to see if they had an E2D. They did and I tried one and was immediately...well, let's say it just wasn't what I expected and I didn't buy it. Now a C3 is my all-around light although it has a P60L in it. One of my "nightstand" lights is a C3 with the P91. I like the feel of the older round bottom ones. One of the best lights in the hand IMO. Of course, I like the 6P/M3/G2 lights a lot also. The C3 is also very versatile and with 2 17500s is rechargable also.

P.S. If you are looking for a genuine Surefire strike bezel, there are some on CPFM.
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The C's can use the P bezels, including the crenellated version. Or if you wanted a genuine Surefire strike bezel in a polished silver flavor, I can do those :naughty:


Or a black tipped beauty :thumbsup: V this light now belongs to none other than our very own, Sgt. LED :twothumbs

Surefire M6 running the MN21 bulb as the bright light and a E1B as a general use light...

RIP on your C3. My C3 (stock) is situated in my winter coat pocket.
Well you all did it now. I've got a C3-HA on the way that should be here tomorrow. I have a couple of Cree drop ins here waiting for it. Though I may not be able to use one of them cuz it only goes up to 8.4v. I guess this will be my "big" light and I'll get an E1L or E1B for a small one.
Well you all did it now. I've got a C3-HA on the way that should be here tomorrow. I have a couple of Cree drop ins here waiting for it. Though I may not be able to use one of them cuz it only goes up to 8.4v. I guess this will be my "big" light and I'll get an E1L or E1B for a small one.

Run 2x 17500's with the 8.4V drop-in :thumbsup:
I'm going to get the 2x17500s' as well. Can anyone recommend a good setup? I definetly want the clickie too.
C3 + 6PD strike bezel + Z49 + 2x AW 17500's = nice set-up

C3 + 6PD strike bezel + Z49 + 2x AW 17500's + GenEric808 polishing = AWESOMENESS :thumbsup: