Lost my L1 today. :(


May 10, 2006
So I went looking at two cars today, and somewhere along the line I lost my L1 gonna have to wait till next week to see if it's still there.

I also popped into Starbucks for a coffee, I hope no one's picked it up and walked off with it not knowing it's real value. :(

Just carrying a Fenix P1 for now. :(

Tis a sad day for me indeed, I hardly ever lose things.

If I do find it, I am deffinately going to use a holster from now on.

Just thought I would share my loss with you guys. :(
Bummer. Hope you find it. I thought I lost my modded Arc LS. And the thought that kept going through my head was that the person who found it wouldn't even know how great a light it was.
I know exactly how it feels to lose one, I had EDCed my L1P for over a year. I lose my L1P on a kayaking trip in the water. Its probably slowing corroding, I need to get some scuba gear to find that sucker....

Hope you find yours
That's sh*tty! I HATE LOSING STUFF! :mad: :rant:
I really hope ya find it. I always misplace things.....think it's gone, and then, it appears!
Good Luck! I'm scared of buying the E series....with them being so small, I know I'll lose it.
Thanks guys, your comments really mean alot to me. :awman:

I'm going to try and retrace my steps.

I was just carrying it with the pocket clip clipped to the side of my jeans, with the barrel inside the jeans pocket.
I ususally never EDC my lights during daytime. So usually when I lose my lights its at home. Just trying to find a lost light inside the house is hard enough, losing it outside is going to be a challenge to find.
I lost my L1p at least two times where it was gone for over a week and I was sure that it was gone for good (i.e. I had an idea of where I left it and it wasn't there any more). Both times it eventually turned up. I also had a swiss army knife lost for something like a year, which eventually showed up underneath a sofa. So don't give up hope.
I'm sorry Mad1, I know how you feel :( that doomed feeling at the bottom of your stomach will pass soon enough.. (lost a new L4 on a Southwest flight) just wait for the Cree'd version :)
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I hope this wasn't your favorite light. Did you drive the two cars. If so maybe they fell in between the seat and no one will ever know until they look in there. There would be a good chance that it could stay there for a long time without anyone knowing it.
This was my fave light and the first light i'd ever EDC'd. :(

Well I drove one of the cars the other one wasnt worth driving.

I'm going to buy the first one I saw, I phoned the guy up and he said he will keep and eye out for it, I also phoned Starbucks but they said no one has handed it in, I also went to a pub, I must try there.

I'm going back on Monday, so fingers cross's i'll come across it, if not like penguin said, I'll buy the new CREE version L1 or maybe find an older L1 and get Milkyspit to mod it. :D

Thanks again guys. :)
hey there's a plus side to everything!even if you don't find it you now have an excuse to invest in a new light,and lanyards holster and gps tracking devices:lolsign:
Sorry for your loss, and a good lite as well. I personally carry mine round my neck. Loose too many items before...
I am so sorry that you lost your L1!! That sucks!! I hope to God that you find it!!
Some guy will think its a $10 flashlight that uses expensive batteries..or think the low mode means a broken part
Sad story Mad1 - I'd cry if I lost one of my beloved HDS lights :(

Hopefully, that lovely B42-XRGT that's on it's way to you from Aussieland will ease the pain of your loss! :)
