I'll preface this by saying I'm a LumaPower fan. I've had a couple of LM31s, and LM33, and D-Mini SE.
I'd been thinking of getting an Incendio, and was finally thinking of pulling the trigger on a V3 when the Q3 neutral tint emitter versions were available again. But when the silver special edition appeared, with an R5, XP-G emitter, well how could I pass that up? As soon it was up on Matt's site I pulled the trigger.
Well, sometimes the early bird gets wormed.
I got my Incendio Special Edition from BatteryJunction today, with the usual excellent shipping/service.
The light is very small and light, but seems solid enough. The siver finish is very good looking, very evenly applied. The knurling is nice. The threads are nice. The clicky is nice. I like the UI, and it works just as advertised. The stainless ring on the tail is a good touch: looks great, protects the tail, and the light tailstands. The clip is, well ... nothing is perfect. We've all heard about the Incendio clip. I will say two things in its favor, though: it is small and unobtrusive, and it works.
Now, uhm...I really hate to say this, and please don't take this as a complaint about the the dealer, or even LumaPower in general. I've no complaints about BatteryJunction. None. I also like LM lights. I've bought four of them, OK?
BUUUUTTTTT, two big problems with this light, at least, with my sample. And maybe it's just my light. Numero Uno (and this is the only one that really bugs me). This light, has the most god-awful ringy beam I've ever seen. Yes, I know Cree LEDs throw rings. I have several XR-E lights. This thing makes my ringiest XR-E look smooth like a baby's bottom. Half the beam profile from this light is a big, dark ring. The other half is little rings. I mean, it looks like an abstract rendition of the planet Saturn. And it IS very noticable in normal use. It's not just a white-wall thingy. Not quite what I expected.
And the tint. Hard to say exactly what it is, because the tint on the emitter also changes dramatically from an E01 like purple on low, to a yellowy-green tending to white on medium to an odd kinda white with a hint of mint icecream-green on high, with a yellowish center to the hotspot and some yellow rings in the spill. :sick2:
Problem two, and yes, I know to take manufacturer's lumens ratings with more than few grains of salt. There is no way that this light is putting out 200 lumens at the emitter on a 123 primary. I tried several new cells. I doubt it's even breaking 130. On a ceiling bounce, it's barely brighter than my NovaTac 85 set on 85, and is dimmer than both my JetBeam Jet-1 Pro v3 with a Q3 and my father's Quark AA with the R5, on an L91, which is putting 109 luemns OTF. Methinks something is amiss here. I mean, this can't be the way this beam is supposed to look? :shakehead
Ok, I've said it. I'm hoping I've just got a crappy/defective emitter, or some other one-off problem. It happens. I think maybe I should wait and see what others find with their SE IncenDio's. If everyone's has this same beam profile and output, well, then I guess I can chalk it up to living and learning. But if others get IncenDios with beams to rave about, well, then I'll know I just got a lemon. I hope that's the case; I'd hate to see this run of lights fall so short of expectations.