LP special Edition IncenDio...Thoughts?


Jun 10, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA.
I just ordered the "Special Ediotion LP IncenDio" for Battery Junction.

Any thoughts on this one? I do not see any posts reqarding this light.
Is it just too new? Nobody interested?

I have read several threads on the previous Incendio model and they all were positive. This light is the R5 emitter and it takes multiple types of batts. Looks like a good one to me.

If anyone has some input on this one please chime in.

I just ordered the "Special Ediotion LP IncenDio" for Battery Junction.

Any thoughts on this one? I do not see any posts reqarding this light.
Is it just too new? Nobody interested?


30 pcs of "CPF Edition" already sold and I guess that Battery Junction has already also sold quite a few pieces.
...Damn, that thing is rated at 370 lumens on an RCR.....WOW :party:
Is that possible for a XP-G R5 on a single cell? That's the same engine that's in the quark 123 lights and they get a reported 250+ on a RCR123.
Is that possible for a XP-G R5 on a single cell? That's the same engine that's in the quark 123 lights and they get a reported 250+ on a RCR123.
Possibly the difference between the Quarks being rated out-the-front lumens and the IncenDio being rated at the emitter?
I'll preface this by saying I'm a LumaPower fan. I've had a couple of LM31s, and LM33, and D-Mini SE.

I'd been thinking of getting an Incendio, and was finally thinking of pulling the trigger on a V3 when the Q3 neutral tint emitter versions were available again. But when the silver special edition appeared, with an R5, XP-G emitter, well how could I pass that up? As soon it was up on Matt's site I pulled the trigger.

Well, sometimes the early bird gets wormed.

I got my Incendio Special Edition from BatteryJunction today, with the usual excellent shipping/service.

The light is very small and light, but seems solid enough. The siver finish is very good looking, very evenly applied. The knurling is nice. The threads are nice. The clicky is nice. I like the UI, and it works just as advertised. The stainless ring on the tail is a good touch: looks great, protects the tail, and the light tailstands. The clip is, well ... nothing is perfect. We've all heard about the Incendio clip. I will say two things in its favor, though: it is small and unobtrusive, and it works.

Now, uhm...I really hate to say this, and please don't take this as a complaint about the the dealer, or even LumaPower in general. I've no complaints about BatteryJunction. None. I also like LM lights. I've bought four of them, OK?

BUUUUTTTTT, two big problems with this light, at least, with my sample. And maybe it's just my light. Numero Uno (and this is the only one that really bugs me). This light, has the most god-awful ringy beam I've ever seen. Yes, I know Cree LEDs throw rings. I have several XR-E lights. This thing makes my ringiest XR-E look smooth like a baby's bottom. Half the beam profile from this light is a big, dark ring. The other half is little rings. I mean, it looks like an abstract rendition of the planet Saturn. And it IS very noticable in normal use. It's not just a white-wall thingy. Not quite what I expected.:ohgeez:

And the tint. Hard to say exactly what it is, because the tint on the emitter also changes dramatically from an E01 like purple on low, to a yellowy-green tending to white on medium to an odd kinda white with a hint of mint icecream-green on high, with a yellowish center to the hotspot and some yellow rings in the spill. :sick2:

Problem two, and yes, I know to take manufacturer's lumens ratings with more than few grains of salt. There is no way that this light is putting out 200 lumens at the emitter on a 123 primary. I tried several new cells. I doubt it's even breaking 130. On a ceiling bounce, it's barely brighter than my NovaTac 85 set on 85, and is dimmer than both my JetBeam Jet-1 Pro v3 with a Q3 and my father's Quark AA with the R5, on an L91, which is putting 109 luemns OTF. Methinks something is amiss here. I mean, this can't be the way this beam is supposed to look? :shakehead

Ok, I've said it. I'm hoping I've just got a crappy/defective emitter, or some other one-off problem. It happens. I think maybe I should wait and see what others find with their SE IncenDio's. If everyone's has this same beam profile and output, well, then I guess I can chalk it up to living and learning. But if others get IncenDios with beams to rave about, well, then I'll know I just got a lemon. I hope that's the case; I'd hate to see this run of lights fall so short of expectations.
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But if others get IncenDios with beams to rave about, well, then I'll know I just got a lemon. I hope that's the case; I'd hate to see this run of lights fall so short of expectations.

BigBlueFish...Thanks for your detailed thoughts on this new light. I pulled the trigger on 1 of 30 limited "CPF Edition" IncenDio V3 lights as an impulse buy against my better judgement given there were no detailed reviews by either selfbuilt, csshih or other CPF'ers...

Is the beam really that ring-y??? Is there any way you can post up some beamshots???

And have you tried using 16340 or RCR123a batteries??? Lumapower did say that performance would be maximized by using the rechargeables over the primary 123's.

Thanks again.
WTF??? :duh2:

I ordered this light yesterday and I'm shocked about what I read here... :faint:

I have an Incendio V3 neural white, equipped with an XR-E emitter and an OP reflector. I just took it out to check the beam once more, typical XR-E beam, bright hotspot sourrounded by a dark ring and followed by a well-lit spill which is kinda smooth, well, not better than comparable lights, but not worse either. The brightness is quite OK for a Q3, not as bright as a C2H (Q4-5A), but rather normal.

I didn't know it was possible to get an XP-G ringy with an OP reflector! I have several of them, can all be qualified as nearly ring-free, compared to XR-E emitters at least. They normally have a huge hotspot and a bright spill, no dark ring around the hotspot, it goes more or less neatly into the spill. If BigBluefish's light isn't faulty, LP has achieved the impossible I guess. Has it really got the right emitter?

The tint however could be normal for a bad XP-G. All of mine can either be qualified as pure white or shlightly greenish or greenish-yellowish. That's on high, the lower modes may change, depending on whether PWM is used or not. The tint lottery should be over with XP-G, god emitr are white, bad emitters tend to greenish.

An XP-G on a CR123A should be brighter than all XR-E or XP-E, no matter how they are powered. While 370 Lumen on a single RCR123 are surely fantasy, you should get at least 170 Lumen OTF on a primary. I don't understand why it should pt out so much more light on a rechargeable, that's not normal. While the higher volateg leads to more brightness with a driver made this way, there's no way it goes from 200 to 370. But, perhaps the driver has been designed to crank out whatever possible at 4,25 Volt, then it could be normal it dims down to less than half of that output at 3,0 Volt.

Since I've managed to kill two D-Mini VX Ultra light egines by tightening the head too much which mae the dome come off the SST-50, I'm no Lumapowr fan anymore, but the Incendio looks very nice in silver, my stock Incendio didn't have any problems and it a nice light and I'm always attracted to limited versions with powerfull emitters. That's why I pulled the trigger on this one and I hope I won't get disappointed once more! :candle:

Btw, what is the difference between the CPF editon and the one Matt sells? I couldn't find any different specs... Does the light come with the little "U" for lanyard attachment to replace the useless clip?
That's too bad big blue f.

I was looking at this one also, but will wait & see some more feedback.

One thing you do know is that they will take care of you after the sale.

I had a special edition V3 & really liked it. The clip I just removed, but it's like you said, unimpressive but effective.
I received my Limited Edition today from Battery Junction and I have to agree with BigBluefish and Henk Lu. The fit and finish are very good on mine and the lens is clear and the LED is centered. I do have lights with worse rings, but the rings are there. There are two distinct rings when the light is shined on the ceiling (about four feet away), but I can live with them. As far as actual brightness, I'll leave that up to people with better eyes than mine, but it is not overpoweringly bright, to me. Overall, I would give this light a B. It is well made, but not up to the standards of my Jetbeams and it is a limited edition.


Well, I decided to do a little experiment. This is the first picture taken with my new Nikon L110. The camera was set to auto and the photo is not touched up. I couldn't get the lights to sit right, so I had to hold them just to get this pic. The one on the left is the new Limited Edition and the one on the right is my older IncenDio V3 with the R2. The rings in the LE are much more pronounced than the R2 and the tint is "greenish?" (more noticeable when compared with the R2, in person). Since this light is a user and not a collectible, it's not a deal breaker for me. It is a disappointment though when compared to the older model and it didn't come with a diffuser. :sigh:

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Hi all,

We have the new enhanced reflector done for the LE.
The new design make the beam much more smooth.

So, if you got the Limited Edition and want to upgrade to the enhanced reflector.
Please email to [email protected] to make a FREE ORDER.
(Only for registered customer)

We will send you with the enhanced reflector via normal airmail, Free Of Charge.

If you perfer to ship it via registered airmail. you can send Paypal of USD5 to : [email protected].

Thanks for all of your support.

Best regards,

Ricky - Lumapower CS
I received my Limited Edition today from Battery Junction and I have to agree with BigBluefish and Henk Lu. The fit and finish are very good on mine and the lens is clear and the LED is centered. I do have lights with worse rings, but the rings are there. There are two distinct rings when the light is shined on the ceiling (about four feet away), but I can live with them. As far as actual brightness, I'll leave that up to people with better eyes than mine, but it is not overpoweringly bright, to me. Overall, I would give this light a B. It is well made, but not up to the standards of my Jetbeams and it is a limited edition.


Well, I decided to do a little experiment. This is the first picture taken with my new Nikon L110. The camera was set to auto and the photo is not touched up. I couldn't get the lights to sit right, so I had to hold them just to get this pic. The one on the left is the new Limited Edition and the one on the right is my older IncenDio V3 with the R2. The rings in the LE are much more pronounced than the R2 and the tint is "greenish?" (more noticeable when compared with the R2, in person). Since this light is a user and not a collectible, it's not a deal breaker for me. It is a disappointment though when compared to the older model and it didn't come with a diffuser. :sigh:


Ah, yes. I recognize that planet on the left. :shakehead Though yours seems to be a bit less diverse in its spectrum of colors than mine.

Now, the light on the right exhibits about what I'd expect from an XR-E emitter. It's got a few rings, but note the contrast between the rings is minimal. Take that light back from the wall, or even better, outdoors, and you won't be bothered by them.

The rings on the light on the left are much more dramatic. Take it back from the wall, and you still see them.

Usually, "ringy-ness" is a matter of degree, and I'm pretty tolerant of them, since, in normal usage, they tend to be unnoticable. In this instance, however, that first big dark ring just grows and grows as you extend the distance between the light and the target. Very disconcerting.

(I was also bummed that there was no diffuser with the light, but then again, I don't think the ad copy for the SE said that a diffuser came with it, so I can't complain about not getting something I wasn't told I was going to get in the first place.)

I'm encouraged to see that Ricky is offering a different reflector for these XP-G lights. I think I noticed that there was a considerable gap between the base of the reflector and the edges of the LED die, so perhaps that accounts for the "black ring" on my LE. It would be great if the beam could be cleared up with a simple fix like this. The rest of the light is very appealing.
That works for the people who bought theirs from Lumapower, but I got mine from Battery Junction. I only mentioned no diffuser because I got one with the original V3, but I don't use them anyway. I'll take the new one with me when I take out the garbage tonight and see how it does in the real world (no white walls or ceilings). As far as the colors, the green doesn't really show that much in the picture and it's not that noticeable unless it's side by side with another light.

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