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I've learned quickly that new threads about lube are verboten here, but I don't see any current threads on it. I do have some questions on what I've found in search, I'll wait to see if this gets locked.
Is it because they are very childish and giggle if that hear something that can have a double meaning?
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Is it because they are very childish and giggle if that hear something that can mean something rude?

If that's the reason I may not last long here.

The FAQ about lubrication is one short post, no discussion. One moderator issued a strong statement that only silicone grease should be used and further discussion was not welcome. Perhaps that's good enough.
I just did a search for miltec because I have enough to last a lifetime....and I don't live on here like some geeks!
I just did a search for miltec because I have enough to last a lifetime....and I don't live on here like some geeks!

I was just about to reply, but forget it! I'm off to watch Star Trek instead. :rolleyes:
Lube threads are not "verboten". There are various problems with them, though. One is that there used to be about 3 new ones every week. In closing/merging most of those, it may have looked like they were being forbidden, which was not the case. More recently, there have been fewer of them.

Another problem was with members making irresponsible crackpot suggestions. Some of the more idiotic suggestions wrecked otherwise sensible discussions, again sometimes leading to thread closures.

In the "threads of interest" sticky there is a thread called Lubrication of threads & O-rings. Have you read it? Be honest! It really contains the essentials of what you need to know, but that is not to say there is no further room for SENSIBLE discussion.

Posts 2, 3 and 4 above do not make a very promising start to this thread, but we'll see how it goes.
heh, ten posts and none really on topic.

Yes, that's the FAQ post I mentioned. Maybe I'm missing something, but it's just one post, not much discussion. Mention is made of post #18, but I only see one post.

One thing I'm curious about is conductivity I've seen mentioned in my searching. Is that thermal or electrical conductivity? I'm building a machine now that can't be anodized because anodizing is an insulator and will build up static. These flashlights have thick (at least .002") ceramic anodizing on their threads, is there really a need for them to have electrical conductivity in their threads? Is heat transfer through the threads really a factor?

I have a pair of nearly new Ray-O-Vac 4W lights that the O-rings have dissolved on, apparently you can still get O-rings that aren't buna-N.
Apologies for No4 Mod, maybe I should have waited a bit longer for a sensible response. Think I'll pop back in a couple of years!
Have you tried the search feature?

'Lubrication' in the Google search box above gives pages of hits, including posts about alternatives to nyogel, using WD40, using vasoline, deoxit and that was just in the first two pages of returns.

There are of course posts that don't look particularly relevent, but there are a good number that are.
Hello Kingfisher,

I dont think Militec-1 is a good lubricant to be used in a light, but great to be used in a knife/firearm. Nyogel is the thing to have IMO ;)
No, don't use militec. The additional lubrication won't do any good and it has a tendency to attack certain plastics/rubber components.
Only use KY.

In the spirit of posting something constructive, since it looks like this thread might survive:

I use the radio shack PTFE lube that comes in with the needle tip. I have had 100% success with this lube. The only other lube I've used was a silicone lube made for RC cars... Think it's made by traxx or something -- anyway, it was good too, but not as good as the PTFE.
Nyogel seems highly recommended here. If you prefer a cheap UK source for silicone grease, search for 'nextorch silicone grease', that's £1.95 with free shipping. It's the same stuff I use for torches and wristwatch gaskets.
Heh, I'm going to be crucified, I think...

I don't use lube.

Not the threads, not the o-rings, nothin...

Fresh out the box, I pop a battery in and go.

I have seen no ill effects in any of my lights (some 4+ years old now)

I will continue to forgo the lube.


*disclaimer* I do, however, run a threadcleaner across the threads every so often (6 months or so)

It's like a die, only sized to clean threads, not cut them.

Takes out any oxidation buildup...
I will continue to forgo the lube.
I've owned a lot of flashlights, including Maglights I found outdoors, never lubed one and never had threads or O-ring fail on them. But now I'm carrying a light in my pocket, and using it every day, and I paid a bit more than sane people normally do.

I do, however, run a threadcleaner across the threads every so often (6 months or so)

A thread file? That's tool steel, not as hard as anodize, but can scratch it. What are you cleaning out that a toothbrush wouldn't get? Is is taking off some anodize? Bare aluminum threads will gall up with regular use, especially without lube, that seems risky.
I just yesterday discovered the perfect grease. Its called 'TRI-FLOW High Performance Synthetic Grease'. US made, its a synthetic grease formulated with P.T.F.E. Its non-staining, cloudy clear colour if that makes sense and has the perfect consistancy for provide a smooth threading action and it doesn't stiffen up when left for a day or two. It also boasts a water proofing ability and is suitable for 'O' rings.

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