LumaPower Flashlights


Newly Enlightened
Feb 24, 2008
Michigan USA
Guys can you tell me are these good, bad or what? I really like the look of the incendio and am recently gravitating toward smaller lights since I never carry just one light.

The price almost seems too low to be true. What do you all say?
Lumapower lights are great. And support from both Lumapower and Matt at battery junction is exemplary. Don't hesitate to dive in.
Yes! I've just received the IncenDio from MattK at BatteryJunction (fast, very fast, shipping) and I love it! I was expecting something reasonably small, but I wasn't prepared for how small this little guy really is. I also purchased a Lumapower D-Mini SE Q5; yet another light I wasn't prepared for, size wise. It's small, and wow, can it throw a ton of light. I EDC both one pocket. Cool thing about the D-Mini; it comes with a nylon holster that holds two spare 123's. Now I have a spare for each light.
I was hoping you guys would say that....with all the gear I tote Novtac finally converted me to the small lights and I really want in Incendio so it looks like when payday comes daddy is getting some new toys :twothumbs

As always thanks for any and all advice
I have five Lumapower lights and an Incendio on its way to me. I am very happy with all of them and never had any problem. I can surely recommend the brand. :)
I have five Lumapower lights and an Incendio on its way to me. I am very happy with all of them and never had any problem. I can surely recommend the brand. :)

I'm thinking of getting an LM33 (and will probably get the Incendio later...when I can rationalize paying $50 for a flashlight...). Can you give me an idea of how bright the LM33 is on 'high' on a primary CR123a? Perhaps compared to a 1 x AA or 1 x CR123 Fenix light? I don't mean go out and do a test and beamshots, I mean, just from your experience. I realize the LM33 uses an SSC, so its floodier than most other, Cree based lights, but I'd like some idea of where it stands. I have a Romisen RC-A3, an N3, and a G2 w/Crees, if that gives you anything useful to compare it to, though I know the beam profiles (particularly on the G2) are very different from that of the LM33.

I´ve never had any Lumapower. Just Fenix and Surefires lights. But right now a new IncenDio is coming here to Brasil, to me. A lot of guys like Ernest, Gunga, Kilovolt, and others told me that Lumapower has great lights: grest finish, good construction, nice bright...

I think we will not regret!

And did you see it´s size ?? MAN... it will be my new EDC with this tiny size!
I must agree that LumaPower has great lights. I recently purchased a Incendio, my first LumaPower light. It's quality at a great price.

Keep in mind that the price listed now on Battery Junction is an introductory price and may go up. Happy hunting:welcome:
Can you give me an idea of how bright the LM33 is on 'high' on a primary CR123a? Perhaps compared to a 1 x AA or 1 x CR123 Fenix light? I don't mean go out and do a test and beamshots, I mean, just from your experience. I realize the LM33 uses an SSC, so its floodier than most other, Cree based lights, but I'd like some idea of where it stands.

I have also a Fenix L1D and a P2D. To my eyes LM33 is brighter than L1D and puts out as much light as P2D at max level (non turbo). But as you say it has a different kind of beam so only a ceiling bounce test can give you a comparative idea.
I have also a Fenix L1D and a P2D. To my eyes LM33 is brighter than L1D and puts out as much light as P2D at max level (non turbo). But as you say it has a different kind of beam so only a ceiling bounce test can give you a comparative idea.

Thanks Kilovolt. That's just about what I was looking for, output-wise.

Time to crack open the wallet...
Ok I just put the order through so soon I will have one....somehow I even got convinced to buy a tenergy set of rechargeable RCR123's.

My wife wont get home till AFTER the mail comes....:grin2:

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