LumaPower LM31 water-proof ??


Sep 12, 2007
Georgia, C.S.A.
Though the title should be self-expalnatory,i'll elaborate further. Does anyone know if these single AA LumaPower lights are at all water resistant? I've kinda been jonesing for a nice,high-output single AA and this looks like the ticket,but there's no mention of water resistance in anything i've read, and this would be a deal breaker for me. thanks one and all......

P.S. Yeah,i know fenix makes some good ones,too, but they're alot more expensive,and fenix tends to insist on 6 output levels. I generally like to adhere to the KISS school of thought. 'Sides, i have a couple fenix lights,ain't got a lumapower yet. :D
Read the reviews of Lumapower flashlights. Any of them having O-ring seals suggests it is "dunkable". Certainly it should be fine getting wet from rain.

Any flashlight that doesn't have an IPX8 rating or hasn't been stated by the manufacturer as waterproof to some depth does not guarantee survival from a dunking... Just be careful with it. If you intend to use a light around a deep water source, such as a pool, use a light that is properly rated.
It has o-rings at all part joinings, so it will be as water resistant as any other light, including Fenix. Since you don't have a LP yet, the LM31 would be a nice addition. My biggest gripes about it is the size (longer than it has to be) and the resistored-low is very inefficient with 14500s, but if you don't mind those things, it sounds like a great light. I have a Nitecore Defender Infinity and it's the best 1xAA light I've had...simple to use, momentary, grippy, smaller than most 1xAA lights (smaller than Fenix L1D, LP LM31, and Olight T15), just great overall.

Since cost is a factor, consider the Olight T15 also (it's also quite long for a 1xAA, but about the same size as the LM31). The P4 version is $38 (with 5% discount) from batteryjunction.

Or, another very nice 1xAA, the Jetbeam CLE v2. It has a simple UI (only 3-modes I believe) and is $32 from bugoutgear. It's smaller than Fenix, LP, and Olight also.
Mine is. It has taken a shower, swam in the pool, and jumped into many creeks. No leaks at all, but the first thing I do with a light is tear it down and put it back together just to make sure things are as they should be.
It has o-rings at all part joinings, so it will be as water resistant as any other light, including Fenix.
Probably. It's only a single o-ring at head and tail, not duals, tho.

Since you don't have a LP yet, the LM31 would be a nice addition.
I like mine :)

I have a Nitecore Defender Infinity and it's the best 1xAA light I've had...
I should hope so! You're comparing an $80 light to a $30 light.

Since cost is a factor, consider the Olight T15 also (it's also quite long for a 1xAA, but about the same size as the LM31).
I have a T20. I like it, too. But be aware the UI is more complicated (temp. press tail-switch to change modes, twist back-and-forth the head to change levels) and, if the T15 is like my T20, the LM31 will be much floodier.

Or, another very nice 1xAA, the Jetbeam CLE v2. It has a simple UI (only 3-modes I believe) ...
I may be mis-remembering, mis-identifying or getting my models or version numbers mixed up, but I thot the CLE v2 had a complicated UI? Lessee... looking... yes, a couple postst in this thread: Prototype of 1AA CREE R2 bin, about a new Jetbeam product (looks pretty good, btw) suggests that. Besides: Isn't the Jetbeam product, again, quite a bit more expensive than the LM31?

Personally, I would say the LM31 is damn hard to beat at the price-point Matt's got it at right now. But be advised: This thing is no flame-thrower or stunner. The specs say 80 lumens on high. I'm thinkin' that's a bit *cough* "optimistic?" ;) It's a great light for indoor use (it's my go-to light now), it'd be terrific for walks outdoors (nice low for that) and it's pretty capable out to about 50 feet (15 meters) or so, perhaps further with night-adjusted vision, but that's about it, IMO.

I should hope so! You're comparing an $80 light to a $30 light.

Yeah, I know, it's much more...luckily I got mine for the $40 intro price. I wasn't suggesting the DI, just mentioning it.

I have a T20. I like it, too. But be aware the UI is more complicated (temp. press tail-switch to change modes, twist back-and-forth the head to change levels) and, if the T15 is like my T20, the LM31 will be much floodier.

I believe the UI is the same amongst all Olights, so it will be more complicated than the LM31, but not much more. For low, just twist the head...not too bad.

I may be mis-remembering, mis-identifying or getting my models or version numbers mixed up, but I thot the CLE v2 had a complicated UI? Lessee... looking... yes, a couple postst in this thread: Prototype of 1AA CREE R2 bin, about a new Jetbeam product (looks pretty good, btw) suggests that. Besides: Isn't the Jetbeam product, again, quite a bit more expensive than the LM31?

I rechecked and the UI for the CLE v2 is Med-Low-High-Strobe-SOS. It can be turned off at any level and has memory so if you turn it off at high, it will come back on at high, likewise for med or low. The CLE v2 doesn't have that super-complicated "advanced" mode that other Jetbeams have, so the CLE v2 is easy to use. At $32, it's a good option to the LM31 and Olight. I prefer it to the other two myself solely because of size differences.
The new Jetbeam 1AA light with clip isn't out yet (I think it's expected to release mid-Jan, but since no one ever meets their release date, figure end-Jan or mid-Feb. It will likely cost considerably more than what the OP is looking to spend. The CLE v2 is still the best Jetbeam option in his price range.

The specs say 80 lumens on high. I'm thinkin' that's a bit *cough* "optimistic?" ;)

In all reality, regardless of what the mfrs claim, no 1xAA light will make more than 60-70 lumens with current LED technology out the front on an alkaline. Off a 14500, it's a different story, but on an alkaline, 70 lumens with the top performing Cree Q5s or Rebel 100s is all you'll get. In reality, most hover in the 60 lumen range. The lower cost DX 1xAAs make about 50-60 lumens OTF since they tend to use lower cost P4 and Q2 emitters. The output differences amongst the 1xAA lights running off an alkaline is negligible and are more likely affected by LED variation amongst the same bin than by brand/model.

Some additional info for the OP, I recently found out the Olight T15, like the Fenix L1D, will lose low modes when running a 14500. Something to consider. The LM31 will retain low mode with 14500, but due to the really poor efficiency of a resistored low with Li-Ions, the runtime on low is only 2hrs. Contrast that to an electronically controlled low used in other lights that can reach 20-60hrs on low.
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I don't have that model, but I do have several of the more expensive LumaPower lights. Wonderful lights, but all benefit from tearing down, cleaning, and lubing. While all are water-resistant, I wouldn't rely on any to have serious waterproofing because the two ends are likely to provide pathways to water intrusion.

While there are usually double o-rings on the battery, bezel, and tailcap sections, the GID o-ring at the lens end of all of my LumaPower lights has been very thin, and of course you don't want to lube an o-ring that touches on the lens! The tailswitch cap has always come with no grease under and over the elastomer of the switch cover (GID or black). The tailswitch itself has not had lube on the threads on any of the lights I got. The switch cover serves as an o-ring, of course.

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