Lumapower M1 vs. All Else


Newly Enlightened
Jun 4, 2006
Hi guys,

My house was broken into (sadly, I was not home) and my Lumapower M1 Tactical Cree XRE was stolen... I loved that light as it was the only real flashlight I owned (now, has provided me with an excellent AA light for review on my website which should be up in a couple of days). Anyway, I see that LP has switched to the Rebel LED. Anyone have this an XRE? What are your thoughts, I'm especially interested in the difference in throw.

The big question though is: Are there any other 2x123, 18650, or 2xAA lights which beat the M1T XRE/Rebel's light output? Here again, I'm mainly interested in throw. I'd have to consider the difference in diameter, as this is my pocket light, but want to make sure I'm not missing out on anything.

Thank you guys!

CanDo, I believe Batteryjunction still has some old xre M1's they are selling for less than the new Rebel version. Keep in mind the M1-R (which I have had 2 of) really works better with the OP reflector than the smooth one. It has decent throw, but no better than a D-mini on its smooth reflector. It does beat the D-mini's OP reflector for throw.

I would look at (a great review site) and compare lux #'s for throw and spill for various lights. A MRV, Tiablo or DBX will easily beat the M1-R for output, but I think you would have some looks if you decided to carry one in your front pocket. The M1R is a good light, but I would look at the reviews before making up my mind.
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Sorry about what happened to you, I hope the burglar gets caught.

For throw, the new King(Stock LED wise) is the Dereelight DBS, 30000+ lux with a fresh 18650 battery. Build is also very good and it is also easy to upgrade(just screw out the old pill and screw in a new one). But it is bigger then the M1-R. For it's size, the M1-R might have the best throw, 9000+ lux with the smooth reflector on two RCR123 batteries. The Cree one had around 7000 Lux throw.

I hope that helps.
I am going to try the Old M1 Cree with an aspheric lens i got from surplusshed and a Q5 bin Cree, just waiting to recieve a the 1 amp dimmable driver, it should throw like mad and still be very very pocketable.

Thanks for your thoughts :)

Looks like the M1R is (for now) the winner, I'll have to pick one up soon. That dereelight looks awesome, I'll work on picking on up for review on my site :).

If anyone has any thoughts or comparisons, please do share!

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