Lumapower MRV problem


Oct 22, 2003
Got my MRV but it doesn't work. Put the 2 batteries in with plus end to flashlight head, it turned on but got very hot after a few seconds. removed batteries, they were almost too hot to hold. The light smelt of burnt electronics! Flashlight doesn't work now!!

Was it something I did or is there any trick I'm missing? Won't get a reply from Battery Station until Mond/Tues and, well, you guys know, I'm anxious!

I sure hope that Matt gets back to me soon. I am in urgent need of new flashlight therapy! I was relying on this "fix" to get me through my 2 week vacation in U.S.!
Hi Matt,

I didn't receive any PM. I sent an e-mail thru your web site. The MRV you sent me seems to have burnt out when I first put the batteries in. As I'm only in U.S. for another 2 weeks I would apreciate a fast solution.

You PM'd me yesterday on the CPF marketplace and I replied with my personal email - PM or email me your order number though I expect at this point that your email to customer service has already been answered.
You PM'd me yesterday on the CPF marketplace and I replied with my personal email - PM or email me your order number though I expect at this point that your email to customer service has already been answered.

Sorry, My mistake. I didn't realise that the marketplace has it's own PM system. I was looking for your reply here.

You PM'd me yesterday on the CPF marketplace and I replied with my personal email - PM or email me your order number though I expect at this point that your email to customer service has already been answered.

Sorry, My mistake. I didn't realise that the marketplace has it's own PM system. I was looking for your reply here.
