I need to convert a lumen requirement for some lighting to foot-candles which is the unit used by the light manufacturer. The lighting of concern is overhead workspace type lighting.
I have read several articles but they are somewhat inconsistent in defining the two units and their relationship.
I have read that a foot-candle = lumen/square foot. Given a lumen rating what area is used to calculate foot-candles? Do I take the lumen rating spec and divide by the square feet of area that is to be illuminated to arrive at foot-candles required? That makes sense but it doesn't seem to take beam profile and other factors in to account.
Any help with this conversion would be much appreciated.
I have read several articles but they are somewhat inconsistent in defining the two units and their relationship.
I have read that a foot-candle = lumen/square foot. Given a lumen rating what area is used to calculate foot-candles? Do I take the lumen rating spec and divide by the square feet of area that is to be illuminated to arrive at foot-candles required? That makes sense but it doesn't seem to take beam profile and other factors in to account.
Any help with this conversion would be much appreciated.