Lumens Factory D26 6V HO Xenon


Newly Enlightened
Aug 21, 2007
Davao City, Philippines
I just installed this bulb on my G2. The bulb is better in the sense that my G2 is a lot brighter now. My questions is, is the light that this bulb generates really appear orange rather than yellow?
white points are very hard to interpret because if you are in a room with high color temperature lighting, and point the light at the wall, it will appear very orange in color, however, if you are in a incandescently lit room (most household bulbs burn around 2900K) and you point your 3200+K flashlight at the wall, the beam will appear more white than the surrounding light...

experiment around, you may find that you just tricked your interpretation into thinking "orange" in a given scenario.
I assume you are using 2 x CR123A primaries. If they are fresh cells, the light should certainly not look orange. But if you are using a 17670 Li-Ion ...