Lumens Factory Seraph SP-6 For Malkoff M61 And Sportac Modules?


Newly Enlightened
Dec 9, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hi everybody how do? I have Malkoff M61 modules and was thinking of a new host for them. I'm also getting some Sportac P60 modules. Apparently they are the same size as the Malkoff modules. I have a Kdlitker body and it is too long. I was wondering if anybody had tried the Seraph SP-6? Possibly somebody can recommend a good host other than the Malkoff MD2.
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I have a couple seraphs, they really are top quality hosts. Be aware that they follow the solarforce fitting and will likely require the outer large spring for it to work (my m361 needs the spring). They fit 18650 and LF offers a cr123 sleeve if you want to run primaries rattle-free.
I am using a Seraph SP-6 with one of my M61 drop-ins and like Buck91 posted you will need an outer spring for it to work.The NexTorch GT6A-S is a decent low cost nylon host for Low power Malkoffs if Illumn still has them(they also need the spring but it comes with the Incan drop-in).Obviously the Surefire 6P is the other one that comes to mind although you have to look a little harder these days to find them and of course they are higher priced than the Seraph.
My first Seraph just arrived. A gray smooth bezel one.
I used a Scout head adapter ring in between the lens and M61 (just like in SolarForce), which pushes the module back far enough to make the contact between the shoulder and the module.
A #22 o'ring will work too. It also does away with battery rattle when using primaries or RCR's.
I literary just bought a 6P a few days ago for this very purpose. Switch can be modded with a clicky assembly too if you don't like the twist tailcap, or simply use a different tailcap. These lights are still available, and can be modified with tons of aftermarket parts to your liking. P60 style drop-ins like the Malkoff will fit without any problems, of cause. Glas lenses and metal bezels are available too.

And maybe its just me, but the design of the 6P is simply timeless.
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My first Seraph just arrived. A gray smooth bezel one.
I used a Scout head adapter ring in between the lens and M61 (just like in SolarForce), which pushes the module back far enough to make the contact between the shoulder and the module.
A #22 o'ring will work too. It also does away with battery rattle when using primaries or RCR's.

Interesting, I will have to look into these adapters. I have been using the b- springs from old drop ins that are either defunct or that got used in SF hosts. Seems like this might offer one less potential fail point (although using the spring allows for the battery ledge to function as a battery stop and minimize the b+ spring compression)...
The big spring works well.
A few years back a friend of mine had a SolarForce and I sent him a M61. Him not being a flashlight guy tried a red o'ring and it worked. I just think the gasket Gene sells (and calls scout head adapter) just looks nicer than an o'ring.
I think some have used alluminum foil wrapped around the M61 with success too and say it actually helps conduct heat better. But mine has a 25 lumen module so heat is not an issue.

Some say the firm push required on the button combined with being sunk below the shroud is an issue. I just use a finger tip to push the button like I need to on my SureFire backup. To be a sub $20 host it's actually a real nice value. Tough coating, glass lens, excellent machining, stainless bezel ring, grip rings, anti-roll shaping, double o'rings for added protection, oversized barrel for 18mm cells, holes drilled side by side so a lanyard doesn't affect tail stand, provision for paracord, comes with a twisty tailcap separate. A lot of product for not a lot of money. I prefer a black tailcap button (over the orange) but that's an easy fix. You can use a P60 or D26 like a Sportac in these. It's a wonder these aren't more popular.