Lummi Sub Forum Welcome


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 14, 2004
Wow!! This is brilliant, A Lummi Sub Forum here on CPF. Quite an Honour.
Massive :thanks: to Sasha for providing this :thumbsup:

This is great to see all the threads I have ever started all in one place.
Lummi / Orb That's me Rob Cheetham has spent most of my time here on CPF in the manufactures corner. As Lummi & others have evolved I do feel the Niche small quantity* products that I produce & supply are now better suited in this CPF CBM forum..
* Hundreds & Thousands.

An small insight to Lummi.
Currently producing:
Raw Alu
Raw NS
Raw Ti
Wee NS
Wee Ti
Alu Orb to return soon for Ltd 100 Of.

The Metal work or torch case is first designed by myself then Produced 7 Miles away from my workshop in the UK by a Precision CNC shop whom I have a very good relationship with. The MD shares my enthusiasm for New technology & unique designs. I consider this to be very fortunate.

Once a batch of say 100-400 of the metal work is produced it is then delivered to My Lummi Workshop where I spend most of my time.
I also have made the PCB's & buy in the other components from all the over the World.
All Lummi Soldering is still done by myself & I also assemble all Lummi Lights.
Along with Packaging, Shipping & customer service. My Wife Lucy helps sometimes.
When I am on top of orders I like to concentrate on new ideas for future products. However sometimes if there is a idea to pursue I have been known to fall behind with a days work :ohgeez:

The focus for the last few years has been small, Now at Wee size who knows how much smaller things will go??? I do wish to revisit how things begun here for me on a independent approach with a high end light like the Orb Ti but with a 07/08 approach...

Below are the most recent photo's of the last 50 Lummi torches I assembled & dispatched last Friday.



Hi Rob,

good to see "Lummi" with it´s own corner at CPF!

And good to hear the Orb is goin to surface again with a possible Ti offspring later this or next year. I´m eager to get one of both.

I might bother with this ;) but I need to ask it anyway: Is a new run of the "Orb Raw Ag" going to happen in the near future?

All the best
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:wave: Eric, :thanks: it is good to be here in this corner...
Not sure on the Raw Ag, more likely to look at A Wee Ag first???

:wave: Don (Main Man in the Reflector Department) :thanks:
:thanks: Dave :thumbsup:

Here are a couple of recent Raw Ti's with a customers logo milled.
Thats awesome Rob!! That logo is pretty cute:grin2: whats it say?
lol ok I remember they had the whole shenanigan with that reporter chick this summer :laughing:
lol ok I remember they had the whole shenanigan with that reporter chick this summer :laughing:

"we". And yes, it was fun. There may be a frame or two of me holding the door for her as she bolts for the outside world, on the videos on YouTube.
:wave: Rik. :thanks:

Here are photo's of the other part of the Defcon order Delivered this summer.


Groo here
For us who might want to - when I can get my 123 how about some other
lights in the same order.
Is there any help in shipping etc.

PS Need updates on the 123 Mce
" Please Sir, May I have some more?";)
:wave: Groo, I am stalling a little on the Lummi 123 MCE.
The production lights & specials are taking priority at the moment (Good to be Busy!)
My thoughts are to give a new CR2 based Lummi next priority. Sticking with the smallest brightest is working well for me :thanks:
Here are some new photos of the current March 09 Lummi's.



CR2 light a priority, good choice. Just please don't go to far astray from the original light. Just new LED's and drivers, keep the long running time.
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