Luxeon heat issue.


Newly Enlightened
Mar 7, 2005
Luxeon heat issue.

First time I was using my T1 and the front end became hot within ten minutes.Is this normal?
How long have you left your luxeon flashlight running, just curious.
Re: Luxeon heat issue.


It's perfectly normal for luxeon flashlights to get warm within a few minutes during use. How hot they get depends on how hard the luxeons are being driven, how long they're run for and how warm or cool the environment they're in is.

Although there are a few plastic bodied lux lights around, most are metal and radiate heat away from the lux and into the air. Provided that the air is not too hot, the light body should eventually reach an equilibrium where it is radiating as much heat as it receives, and so should not get any hotter. Apparently lux emitters should not be heated to over 100 deg C (212 deg F) or so. I'd be very surprised if your T1 or any light from a known manufacturer would get that hot in any normal cirumstances - unless you like wrapping your light in bubble wrap or putting it in the oven /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

I've never had an occasion to run any light of mine for more than an hour or so, and none of them got too hot (and where I live it's 28-32degC (82-89degF every day).
Re: Luxeon heat issue.

agrees with the above, having the heat leave out the body or head of the flashlight is a good thing.

i have left my flashlights on untill the batteries were near dead.
only luxeon i have fried at all even, was when i way overran it.
but i toasted my share of 5MM, one rack of them i just laid it face down, and the heat couldnt escape as well, they turned blue like a kid holding his breath :)

well sinked, the luxeon is one rugged individual.
Re: Luxeon heat issue.

Thank you all for taking the trouble to reply. I feel reassured /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif