MAG MODS w/pics


Newly Enlightened
Feb 20, 2007
Hi there,
First of i am sorry for not having much time ( have to earn my food and other stuff including an AUDI A4 AVANT QATTRO i bought recently) so here are some of my latest mods, which compared to what i have seen around here, realy suck but at least i can try to help becouse i have extensive knowledge of electronic and computers and security systems and cars, of course.
First off this is my 5D mag moded to a 20W halogen and 8 cell laptop Li-Ion battery,


That is an 8 cell bat. 14.4 V 3 AH so it does 1.5h at full power
And this is the hallogen with it's own reflector, does a narrow beam and lots of spill

Some beam shots, you do the math:



and just a fraction of my assets



I didn't take pics of ALL my laptop batteries to avoid depresing someone here badly ( aprox. 40 of them all in perfect condition ).
BTW i will gladly help with info on anything electronic related, becouse i see that some PPL here have their basic's in electronics messed up badly, but i do respect that they are trying to help.
Before someone bargess in with questions about those batteries, i would gladly trade them for some other stuff that i can not buy here like MAG CHARGER, 2AAA mini mag, SOLITAIRE, Luxeon, cree, seoul, etc, BUT i am in KOSOVA so anyone willing to risk ( due to unreliable post office ), place your bets!
Welcome to CPF!

I am very jealous of all your batteries.

Have you done anything interesting with the XNova light? Maybe you call it something different but it's the silver one to the far left in DSC00480.JPG.
cratz2 said:
Welcome to CPF!

I am very jealous of all your batteries.

Have you done anything interesting with the XNova light? Maybe you call it something different but it's the silver one to the far left in DSC00480.JPG.

Thank you very much for te warm welcoming.

As for the INOVA i just changed the LED-s to some chinese 30.000 mCD, but i found a place to buy some new ones ( this one was a gift from a friend ), so most likely it will end up with a modified step up converter or a Li-Ion battery and a Luxeon, if i can find them ( i bumped at 2 of tem by accident at a shoping center here, one is going to be on the cut down mini mag, one on the cut down MAG 2D ). BTW i payed 16.5 EURO for ONE luxeon on te silver light you see between two mini mags and they had a nice deep 20 mm reflector also cut down to fit in a mini mag.
As for the batteries, most of them i can't use due to them beeing 18mm in diameter, the ones on the 5D MAG are from a toshiba laptop and they where 17mm in diameter so they fited perfectly inside. For the mini mags i ordered a SAMSUNG MINI DV CAM battery you see in the pic, but i got the wrong one so instead of having AA size 850mAh Li-Ion i got 2/3AA size 580 mAh ones. FYI 1W luxeons i got conected directly to those tiny batteries draw 980 mAh - good for 3W power but no good for battery life and heat on the luxeon.

Offer me something i can use and i will gladly risk mailing you some batteries ( most of them are 8 cell 14.4V 2.6 Ah, 18 mm diameter cells ).
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OK, asked about shiping to USA and europe and it works properly and the prices are roughly 25 EUROs for 1KG weigt (2,1 pounds US ). ANYONE ???????

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