"maglite" incand/led switchback 3 AA light- new see pics


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 23, 2001
Atlanta, GA>> The Flashlight that was broken shall







hit the button once and you have a nice bright incand
hit again to turn off
hit again to have a super bright white led come on
hit agian to turn off

repaet as many times as necicary(i know its mispelled)

feels like a club in the hand and i would not fear to use it as such as it is quite stronge and durible

the head will fit an ls led if you wanted (perfect- high/low beam led) and is a modders' dream. of course this modder must let it stay a dream since the only way i could get it out of the store was to promise mom and dad that i would sell it and split profits(not much profit but there is some since its on sale) . i wont spam here but for those who wish to have it (i have more than one) - it $20 shipped(this time i ship when you agre to send the money so you get the light fasterinstead of waiting weeks to get it) - i dont make much and neither do my parents- my motive was to show it to the forum any way i could.

and yes lamda/ electrolumans- i thought of you when i saw it and if you contact me i can give bulk rate

any way - its a real nice light and is very well thought out . its good materials and good quality and is a steal

if you see this in your local store dont hesitate to buy it- it will make you very happy!

agian i have no intentions of keeping the light- i cant afford it but i did wish to share it with the forums
I got one of those about 3 weeks ago at ****'s sporting goods.about 20$. since i can't post pics i waited till a cpf member found one, and here it is. a well made light and versatile, but i didn't really like the beam quality. not very bright either. i keep it hanging in the utility closet lately. also has anyone seen the moon-glo, a rubber ball with 3 blue leds, integral 3.6 volt nimh batt and comes with a wall wart recharger. i found mine at target, also 20$. sold by vector, www.vector.com although i couldn't find it on their website. had to get one though,since it glows and thats what keeps my wallet hungry