Magmod SSC p7 begin!


Newly Enlightened
Aug 16, 2009
I have begun my first foray into the world of modding. I dug out my old black mag 3d and took it apart, and began my parts collection today. First step, buy aluminum to fabricate a heatsink! I decided to buy a 12" bar of 1.375" aluminum 6061 at my local metal supply store, then shape as needed. I know there are prefabbed ones available, but I wanted the experience of doing it myself. I filed it down by hand, and tomorrow (when I get a proper blade for my hacksaw) I will cut off a puck about 5/8" long. This will be drilled to make room for wires, two hold-down bolts for the p7(on a star) and a couple extras to extract the sink if I need to.

The p7 on star should be available tomorrow (was on back order) and I will order it along with the 2800ma driver I found on DX. Anyone know wht to expect as far as shipping times from DX?

I can't wait to get those, then I can really get started...
DX usually takes about 2 weeks to ship if the item is in stock. The backorder date means nothing. I remember something I ordered being backordered for over 3 MONTHS.

By the way, the proper way of making a heatsink is with a lathe and mill, not with a file and hacksaw... :tinfoil: Now you're making me want to try that :nana:.
LOL, I know its a horribly crude method for the sink... I had thought about attempting to hook it up to the car brake lathe I have access to, but the brake lathe is meant explicitly for rotors. I want to make more mods and such down the road, and once I start making better money I certainly will be employing the proper heatsinks...

I must have looked ridiculous filing away at that bar, hahaha!

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