I bought several Maha Imedion from Thomas Distributing, and got excellent results in terms of measured capacity:
- AAs (capacity after a 700/350 mA refresh cycle with a La Crosse Technology RS700 charger):
2230 - 2180 - 2190 - 2200 - 2240 - 2210 - 2200 - 2250 mAh - AAAs (one refresh cycle @ 500/250, followed by another cycle @ 700/350 mA):
901 - 870 - 910 - 883 mAh
- AA GP Recyko+: 2180 - 2130 - 2130 - 2190 mAh (almost as much as the Imedion)
- AA Varta Ready2use: 1985 to 2100 mAh
- AAA GP Recyko+ : 812 to 895 mAh