Malkoff 3D on Eneloops?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 23, 2008
After lurking around here a bit, this is my first post. Let me begin by saying - the amount of information on this forum is staggering. Thanks!

Today at Costco, I picked up a set of Eneloops with charger, and it came with C and D adapters. My question is: Can you safely run a Malkoff 3D mag drop in on three of the eneloops using the adapters without damaging the batteries? If yes, what sort of runtime would they give?
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assuming the eneloops are aa's, yes it would work, with a stock dropin, the runtime would be about 3 or 4 hours
By stock dropin I assume he means the MagLED. A malkoff would get significantly less runtime. An eneloop has about 1/4 to 1/6 the capacity of a D cell (alkaline/nimh) so with Gene's stated output of 6 hours on 3d's you should get about 1 hour on the 1AA to D converters.
1) yes, it is 100% safe: I do this all the time (in fact, I use something much wimpier: Enerjunk D's, which are are AA NiMH's in a D jacket).
2) AA eneloops will give you 1/10 the runtime over generic D alkys. (Eneloops are 2000mAH = 2AH; D alkys are 20AH)
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