Malkoff Drop-ins are Available for 2-4 Cell Mags!!

Thanks for the info, I just placed an order. My first Malkoff drop-in. Interested to see what the product is like.

I called before I placed my order and Gene said that they will be shipped out tomorrow with an arrival date of this Wednesday.
I've spent the last two years with little torches and my maglites have all found their way to the back of the closet or bottom of the toolboxes. I decided to go buy myself a brand spankin new 2d tonite to celebrate my purchase of a malkoff device (finally). I brought it home, pumped in a couple new d cells and stood it up on the counter while I was working on a g2 I was doing some mods to. After finishing I grabbed the shiny new mag and headed off to my room across a dark living room. The thought popped into my head, turn it on! haha, hadn't even thought to test it out. I did and it attempted to light up a very small section of my living room. I then stood and Laughed out loud for at least 5 minutes while shining this monster beast next to the cree'd surefire baby. It was quite the surprise to see how little light the old technology puts out. Good stuff. I so can't wait to get the MD in and go out to play. Looking now for an aspherical lens for the mag (52mm? I believe), not having any luck. Any pointers greatly appreciated

I decided to go buy myself a brand spankin new 2d tonite to celebrate my purchase of a malkoff device (finally). I brought it home, pumped in a couple new d cells

The malkoff will shift gears if you feed it 3 cells. You can try 3 C cells in that 2D body. The drive current will kick up from ~600mA to 1000mA.

for c cells in d cell maglites.

Reverse the spring. Scrape the anodizing off the inside of the tailcap. Use standard schedule 40 1" pvc as C>D spacer.
Oooh, I might just have to try that. Thanks for the info. ;)


The malkoff will shift gears if you feed it 3 cells. You can try 3 C cells in that 2D body. The drive current will kick up from ~600mA to 1000mA.

for c cells in d cell maglites.

Reverse the spring. Scrape the anodizing off the inside of the tailcap. Use standard schedule 40 1" pvc as C>D spacer.
Well I received my drop in for my 2d Mag. It is bright. I am astounded at the throw with the smooth reflector! I was lighting street signs at two blocks! This on 2d batteries for approximately 3 hour runtime.... I am happy with this dropin. Thanks Gene, well made, well packaged, and well worth the money!


P.S. Please tell Cathy thank you for the note, she has terrific penmanship!
Also unbelievably happy with my purchase. On two d's it's super bright. I had to lol when I saw how bright a standard maglite is. haha. Off to the store to buy some pvc and c's to see how she can run. Thanks a lot to Gene and mrs Gene. You guys are great

Got mine today. All I can say is "WOW". Unlike many other lights I have purchased, this exceeded my expectations. Thanks a lot for a great light. I can hardly wait for some of his future projects.
I did the 3c upgrade tonite and its truly awesome. I had hell with the tailcap spring, I ended up flipping it, cutting 2-3 coils off each end and bending the small end over to contact the center of the cell. I need to do some more tweakin and sanding tomorrow but it's great. I have a high-tension tower a little over half a mile away that I use to test my lights. This flashlight on 2d's barely lit it up but on 3c's it shines with the best lights I own at that distance. I tried both reflectors and definitely like the smooth one the best. This sucker is baaah linding! haha. Thanks again everyone, especially Gene. Count me in on the list of future batches and other devices as well

Still run out of C cell for Mags. I need to do my upgrade, I guess I have to wait until the stocks avaliable. I like the idea that this upgrade is easy.
I have been checking his site like 5 times a day, still none. I thought he had more available when I saw this post only to find it's an older post, whew.
Not trying to rush you Gene, take your time and hurry up! :D
I have been checking his site like 5 times a day, still none. I thought he had more available when I saw this post only to find it's an older post, whew.

Me too!!! Can't someone change the title of this thread. Please!!!

I'm on Gene's mailing list. But, last time I didn't get (or see) the email until he was sold out again.
Haha, I saw the thread when it just came up, rushed over there and bought one, then the next post directly after mine was "aw man, sold out!" So I think you could say they went pretty fast. I usually figure on doing it tomorrow which never works out. :D

I e-mail Gene and I got the reply back from him that somemore comming next week. I still waiting and hope I can get hold of one next time. Seem to be like a hot cakes. I just wonder if anyone have photos and of the beam compare with other flashlights that similar lumens output and post it in here.