Malkoff M60 compared to Solarforce Q5


Newly Enlightened
May 12, 2006
Sheffield, UK

First of all, sorry if this has been asked before I couldn't find a definite answer by searching.

I just got a Solarforce Q5 drop in for my G2, I intended to use this as a backup and not worry about heat built up etc. I was then going to pick up a 6P and a M60 drop-in as a 'bump-in-the-night' light.

My question is the M60 throw and output significantly better than my current drop in, bearing in mind the increased cost of the M60 in shipping it to the UK, or should I be looking at a different set up.

check this sticky, the drop-ins have already been tested for real out the front lumens..

The Malkoff only makes about 35 more lumens out the front, but the beam quality is 2nd to none. It will illuminate with a good amount of spill and a super tight hot spot with no artifacts or donut.

The Solarforce Q5 is good because at least you get what you pay for, but the beam quality is just like any DX Cree Q5 ro R2.

Here are the lumen readings taken by MrGman.
Solarforce R2-S______________202___________________3 RCRs,_____________Browning Black Ice 3 cell host.
Solarforce R2-5M low,__________37___________________2 primaries___________Surefire 6P host_________,
Solarforce R2-5M Med,_________85___________________2 primaries___________Surefire 6P host___________,
Solarforce R2-5M High________160-155________________2 primaries,__________Surefire 6P host__________,
Solarforce Cree R2-S_________210____________________2 primaries__________Surefire 6P host___________,
Solarforce Cree R2-S_________190____________________2X17500 LI___________Solarforce L2 Host 1 extension,

Malkoff M60________________231__turn-on____________2 primaries____________Surefire 6P host_______________,
Malkoff M60________________220__warm,_____________2 primaries____________Surefire 6P host_______________,
Malkoff M60________________235__turn-on____________2 AW ICR123__________Surefire C2 Centurion host_______,
Malkoff M60________________218__warm _____________2 AW ICR 123_________Surefire C2 Centurian host_______,
Malkoff M60________________276__turn on____________2X17500 LI____________NO BEZEL Solarforce L2 +1 ext.__,
Malkoff M60________________245__warm_____________2X17500 LI____________NO BEZEL Solarforce L2 +1 ext.__,
Malkoff M60________________240__turn on,___________2X17500 LI____________w/nonCren BZL Solarforce L2 +1 ext.
Malkoff M60________________215__warm_____________2X17500 LI____________w/nonCren BZL Solarforce L2 +1 ext.
Malkoff M60________________212__turn-on____________2 primaries____________Solarforce L2 host_____________,
Malkoff M60________________202__warm_____________2 primaries_____________Solarforce L2 host_____________,

IMHO: Eveyone deserves to own a M60 because the beam and the build quality Gene puts into these is a true work of art.
The Solarforce will have a much nicer looking beam with round spot, and even spill. It will throw further, too. I have a Solarforce R2 drop-in.
I never use it.

I use the Malkoff M60W in my main work light and user.
It will put more light on target, though it doesn't throw as far. The brightness will fade from spot to edge. It's a more usable beam profile for actual use at medium distances, and the neutral tint makes a huge difference in how well you actually see with the light.
Optics don't make for perfect looking beams like a good OP reflector does, and the beam is not pretty.

The Solarforce will be more impressive on a wall. The Malkoff more impressive in actual use. That's my experience, anyway.
Here is my M60 beam at 50 feet.

Now the Deal Extreme R2

And the TVNC Q5