Malkoff M60 in C2 or M2?


Jan 16, 2007
Hinton, Alberta
Kind of a noob question here... I own a few M60's but have never run one before in anything but a 6P or G2. I was looking for my next purchase to be either a C2 or M2 but was wondering a couple things... mainly about the M2.

1. Is there any difference at all between the M60 in a 6P and C2 (fitting and beam etc)?

2. What function does that copper ring accessory that Gene sells serve in terms of use in the M2

3. Is there any difference in how the beam throws and spills etc in the M2 as compared to the C2? Ive played with an M2 before and noticed no real difference in incandescent look between it and a 6P... i was hoping there would be no difference either when using an M60.

Sorry if these questions have been answered before. I was looking through threads and found alot on what peoples fave M60 - Surefire combination was... but not much on comparisons between different hosts.

Im really leaning towards wanting to try the M60 and M2 combo... just kinda need to know it will work as well as a 6P-M60 combo.


Either will work for a malkoff and things will look just the same OTF.
In the M series you need the ring to make sure contact occurs in the fatter shock absorbing head. I say go for the C2.
One even better will be the C3 since Malkoffs can handle the voltage and give you more runtime with a third cell. It really isn't that much longer.
Remember you already have a 2 cell Surefire, why not go for an upgrade.
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I wasnt really concerned much with runtime... just wanted a HA finished light like the M2 or C2. I love the look of both the C2 and M2, just a bit more bragging points to friends not only having the Malkoff, but the word 'Combatlight' written along the side the M2. But the C2 does definately fit the bill... and 'Centurion' doesnt sound all that bad either
The shock isolated head in the M2 is designed to protect the incandescent bulb. I don't think you really need it with the LED dropin. It may even inhibit heat dissipation. If you are looking to buy a light to put the M60 into I would recommend the C2 over the M2. The M60 will work fine in the C3 but all you will get is extended runtime. It will not be brighter.
You can use the C2 head on the M2 body and the C2 head will offer better heatsinking capability compared to the shock isolated head of the M2.
Kind of a noob question here... I own a few M60's but have never run one before in anything but a 6P or G2. I was looking for my next purchase to be either a C2 or M2 but was wondering a couple things... mainly about the M2.

1. Is there any difference at all between the M60 in a 6P and C2 (fitting and beam etc)?

2. What function does that copper ring accessory that Gene sells serve in terms of use in the M2

3. Is there any difference in how the beam throws and spills etc in the M2 as compared to the C2? Ive played with an M2 before and noticed no real difference in incandescent look between it and a 6P... i was hoping there would be no difference either when using an M60.

Sorry if these questions have been answered before. I was looking through threads and found alot on what peoples fave M60 - Surefire combination was... but not much on comparisons between different hosts.

Im really leaning towards wanting to try the M60 and M2 combo... just kinda need to know it will work as well as a 6P-M60 combo.


Get the M2 if you also want to use incandescent lamp assemblies.
You can use the C2 head on the M2 body and the C2 head will offer better heatsinking capability compared to the shock isolated head of the M2.

Aren't the C2 and M2 bodies identical? (Except for the etching of course)
Oh yeah you gotta get a clicky for which ever you choose.

That brings to mind an interesting question, will a tailswitch fit into the lamp spot in a SC1? Just in case a switch fails.....never happed to me before but there is always a first time waiting to happen.
Anybody got an answer to that one?
I also vote for the C3 over the C2 not just for the extended run time, but how the light feels in my hand.
Or how's about a C3-HA w/KT2 Turbo Head? I have this set-up and I like it a lot. If you're interested in such a set-up, PM me because I might be putting mine up for sale in the very near future :whistle: And it's in LIKE-NEW condition with less than 5 minutes runtime on the bulb :naughty:

A new C2 goes for $105-$110 (HA) and the new C3 goes for $110-$129 (HA). The KT2-HA Turbo Head is $109 new. Really, PM me if you're interested in this set-up because I'll give you an offer that would be very hard to pass up, especially considering a Malkoff M60 runs around $55-$60 shipped :nana:



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Aren't the C2 and M2 bodies identical? (Except for the etching of course)


It's the head that's the thing. The M2 head is designed specifically with inca lamps in mind. The shock-isolation feature is needed since the filament can break if the light is dropped. The negative is somewhat poor heat-dissipation, compared to the aluminum head found on the 6P, C2, and other similar Surefire lights. But it's okay since heat isn't really an issue with inca lamps.

With LEDs, heat becomes an issue. But you don't need added shock-isolation with LEDs.

For an LED drop-in, the C2 is a better host.... Give you one guess which LED drop-in is in my C2. ;)
Yeah, I have a black one but it's still sealed in the box so I've been kind of hesitant. I really thought about it on quite a few ocassions, but I'll hold off...for now :naughty:
my first surefire was a M2, now that i have migrated to LEDs i use the standard bezel. i am so used to using/handling the fatter head, i keep thinking i need to feed my torch cause its so:eek: skinny!
Try to give me a heads up later on when it's time to buy!

Will do, Jon. So, I just checked usps and no current updates so I'm assuming Colossus is making his trans-Pacific flight right now. I wonder if they have an onboard meal for him and a good movie showing? :crackup: