Malkoff MD2 High/Low M61N vs. Zebralight SC64c LE?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 5, 2017
Hey guys,

I've got a Zebralight SC64c LE - had it for several years now and I love it. The small form factor is amazing, great color/tint, and perfect flood/throw balance for what I need. It's basically my EDC and I also use it for work (airline pilot). That said, I've been really wanting to try a Malkoff MD2 High/Low with the M61N emitter.

If I'm satisfied with the Zebralight, is there anything I'm really gaining from the Malkoff? The Malkoff is definitely a bigger light. I'm not sure how well I could EDC it, but it seems like it could be a great light for my truck and for work. If anything I don't mind just adding it to my collection haha.

I've also thought about maybe getting a Malkoff Hound Dog (4000K) if there is too much overlap between the Malkoff MD2 and the Zebralight SC64c LE.

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Those lights really don't have that much in common, the Zebralight is a great edc light, and the Malkoff is a great weapon system oriented light (I hate saying tactical). It's been several years since Malkoff lights were at the fore of flashlight brightness, but if you are looking to upgrade in durability, there aren't any better.
I'm a huge advocate of owning both. The sc64le is a great compact edc with an electronic switch to switch between modes and customize what levels you run at. The malkoff on the other hand is a bomb proof, tank of a light with a clicky switch and potted electronics (don't forget you can swap out drop ins/bodies...they're like Legos. Be careful, it's hard to just have one). If I were to bet my life on any of my lights, it would be one of my malkoffs. The zebralight is certainly brighter on high with a good amount of spill for daily use, but the m61n has some more throw and what I would say is a better beam for outdoors. They really are polar opposites that both fill niches I think everyone should have.

The hound dog is a beast of an outdoor thrower that throws a decently large spot down range. I would also suggest you own one of those too haha
I'm a huge advocate of owning both. The sc64le is a great compact edc with an electronic switch to switch between modes and customize what levels you run at. The malkoff on the other hand is a bomb proof, tank of a light with a clicky switch and potted electronics (don't forget you can swap out drop ins/bodies...they're like Legos. Be careful, it's hard to just have one). If I were to bet my life on any of my lights, it would be one of my malkoffs. The zebralight is certainly brighter on high with a good amount of spill for daily use, but the m61n has some more throw and what I would say is a better beam for outdoors. They really are polar opposites that both fill niches I think everyone should have.

The hound dog is a beast of an outdoor thrower that throws a decently large spot down range. I would also suggest you own one of those too haha
For the size of the MD2 I was hoping it would be as bright or brighter than the Zebralight. I may just stick with the Zebralight for now. Always really liked their products for the price too. I may still pick one up at some point though.
The SC64c LE and MD2 M61N Hi/Lo could not be any more polar opposites. I have both, and both are great lights. MD2 is too big for EDC IMO. The SC is perfect for EDC size. I do think for inspection of your aircraft pre/post flight the MD2 would fit the bill nicely, it definitely out throws the SC.

The SC has 6 levels and goes way lower, the MD2 has a low and high, no moon mode.

Both have great tint and CRI (dont @ me with CRI knowledge pls)

The MD2 is way more robust and can take a licking and keep on shining.

The SC is Cheaper.

The MD2 is easier to use without a UI, the head twists for lo/hi.

The Md2 is easier to use with gloves via tail clicky, the SC has electronic side button. (SC= Side clicky)

Honestly both are worth owning and each shines in its own league of flashlight. Try a MD2 out, worst case you can sell it for almost what you paid.
I may just stick with the Zebralight for now

Imagine as you're standing at the cockpit greeting passengers coming and going...they'll see that MD2 secured in a kydex holster bezel down on the belt and think "wow, this pilot is hardcore and stays ready." Pair it with a sleeveless pilot shirt, oversized GShock, and a set of aviators for even more flare.
If the issue is getting a larger light with similar beam then go with a Hound Dog hi/lo turn key kit to get a battery and charger with it. The bigger head makes a whopping difference for throw.
Just my 2 cents.
I didn't see anyone mention the Malkoff MD2 output levels. The low output is 5 lumens. The high output (on mine at least) is 700 lumens. At 700 lumens the MD2 provides a medium sized hotspot that can easily illuminate small details out to a distance of 125-150 feet, with a generous spill beam that avoids spot blindness. These fixed output levels may influence your decision vis-a-vis the MD2. The low is likely useful inside the cockpit. I suspect the high setting might be useful for preflight inspections. And as others have noted, the MD2 is robustly built, to withstand hard use. I have three Malkoff lights, and six drop-ins. My oldest Malkoff light engine is going on thirteen years old. I use it almost daily; it has never failed me. If you get one, it will outlast you.

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