Mammoth Cave Mag Holsters


Newly Enlightened
Oct 31, 2005
When I visited Mammoth Cave a few years ago I was really impressed with the leather belt holster rings the rangers used to carry their 3D maglites. They were a leather "loop" that partially cradled the head of the light and held it tighter than the plastic rings--while making a lot less noise.

I loved the holsters, and I'd still like one for my D-Mag hotwires. I just can't find the source! All the rangers had identical lights, and all but one or two had these fabulous holsters...but no one I asked seemed to know the source. I even went through the local yellow pages and called around looking for a supplier--no luck.

Can any of you folks out there point me in the right direction?
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Re: Mammoth Cave Mag Holters

Send a PM to member Kazu and see if he can make you one his leather work is first class.
I bought two leather belt holders for D-cell Maglites back in the early 1980s. The Safariland 32 has snaps and the Safariland 30 does not.

Hope this helps.
Check Home Depot or similar in the tool belt section. There's a belt slide with a metal loop made to carry a hammer. Don't know if it'll work or not or if there are different sizes available.
He's looking for a leather loop, to get rid of the noise and rattle.

I've seen what you describe, but only on active duty cops. I can't find them on line.

These were heavy-duty, mulit-layer leather holsters.

It's hard to describe the shape. Thy were like a heavy leather tube that was cut on a diagonal, so that it cradled the head of the light on the part closest to the belt, but tapered to a "ring" size on the part furthest from the belt.

The light slipped in an out, but stayed put when it was settled in.

Maybe I need to get a summer job for the Parks Service to get one? :)

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