Many Years, Everyone Take Care


Feb 18, 2004
Oregon- United States of America
I actually joined CPF on September 29th, 2002, under the user name Jarhead, after lurking for about a year.

Over the years, I have shared a great amount of information publically, and additional information publically. I quite often tried to include links and references for folks to read for further on information I've provided. This was done to help advance the State of the Art in flashlights.

You may have already noticed, that over the past month, I have greatly reduced the number of my posts. The plan was to slowly taper off my involvement with CPF, but not to cut connections, so that I could read about new developments, and answer any PMs, as well as send an occasional PM for cool new items I'd like to purchase or to ask questions about the items and possibly testing.

I'd like to thank a great many of you for the questions, the challenges, and especially the rare few who provide information for others seeking knowledge and enlightenment here on CPF- and always pushing the cutting edge just a little bit further.

There are a few of you that shine like a brilliantly lit diamond in the depth of night, and my only hope is that you will continue to do as you have done in the past. Continue to explore and learn, always push just a little bit harder, and never give up, the results are often worth it.

For myself, I enjoy the path, the challenges and hurdles, and find immense enjoyment of achieving new things. I also enjoy doing my own modding, there is nothing like something that turns out really well, and the thrill that comes from using your very own creation.

The future holds *much* promise for solid state lighting, as well for a few other lighting sources if it is ever decided to take them from the labs to the consumer. As new companies come on line with new LEDs, the competition will drive higher performance, and the competition in the market will also drive down the prices, leading to wider acceptance and adoption of the novel new technology. Recently, a threshold was reached where LEDs have begun to surpass fluorescent bulbs, especially when the ballast and fixture losses are taken into account. This is a really exciting time for me, as it will be quite interesting to watch what happens as companies bring LEDs into the general lighting market. IMHO, the potential is absolutely enormous, as the general lighting market makes flashlights look like one droplet of rainwater in a swimming pool. I just hope that companies implement the technology properly, so that the consumer has a positive experience.

I sincerely wish a great many of you loads of fun in the future, and hope life takes you down the paths that is agreeable and pleasant for you.

If you ever have any technical questions, or would like a little information on something, please feel free to contact me any time by email:

[email protected]

I exist, therefor I am!
a.k.a. Jarhead
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Let me be the first here to say THANKS for your unique contributions here on CPF. Your posts have always been very complete and chock full of good information. Your presence here will be sorely missed by many. Best of luck in all your endeavors :thumbsup:
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Newbie, I'm very sorry for the fact that you leave CPF. I have always enjoyed your excellent and technically thorough posts and got many ideas from them to my own modding hobby. Thanks for everything and I wish you all the best in future! :thumbsup:

What the hell is going on? Jarhead you can't do this. I haven't seen anyone that backs up claims with either published articles or empirical data the way you have.
You will be missed. :huh2: :awman:
Hate to see you fade out, I always found your input both interesting and provocative. Good luck in your future endeavors.
good bye and so long my friend :(
You will be missed ....

see you at chat :D
Dude, like you should make up a new nic, like maybe LightJesus (or whatever), and then like come back as maybe a clandestine semi-Ghost (or whatever)...anyways...Lucky journey....
My friend you're not gonna stick around for the 2007 award.

I hope you stick around chat, otherwise we'll have to drive up to OR and do some one on one chat with you.
:ohgeez: First, thank you for your service to our nation, thank you for your informative technical posts, thank you for your effort regarding the cause of cr123's venting.

I hope you find more time to hound rocks and hike.

Feel free to send me a Thor's Hammer.:naughty:

Wow, I'm sorry to hear this. I've enjoyed reading your highly informative posts. Enjoy the extra spare time that you will now have.

Thank you for your insightful contributions to this forum, they are greatly appreciated. :wave:
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Doug, it's sad to of your departure from CPF.

One of the big enjoyments I got from CPF was reading your posts. They pretty well always contained a vast quantity of technical information and made me switch the brain into high gear to process it.

Your departure will be a big loss to CPF and the its advancement of state-of-the-art in flashlights and pushing the design envelops.


I think I still remember when you were Jarhead :)

Best of luck in all of your future endeavors, and there'll always be a seat at the table for you :)
VERY_SAD to see this happen....

THANK YOU for the thousands of hours of work!!!!!

I wish you all the best. Good luck and godspeed and thank you for all your contributions.