Maratac 9290 info


Newly Enlightened
Oct 5, 2005
I recently purchased two Maratac AAA's and love them. Naturally they put the stainless up for sale about 10 days after I got mine, so I naturally had to place another order.

I decided that I'd make the shipping worth while and picked up a Maratac 9290 AA as well. I have searched fairly wide, and have found little information as to impressions of the light, and absolutly no runtime information or, well anything else.

Anyone with some 411 on the AA? Seems to be a good value for the price, just wanted a bit more info while I wait.
Heh, buy it and then look for info...:)

Thanks anyone with anything on it.

I picked one up a month or so ago. I decided to get it because of the Olight electronics. I love the ramp up/ramp down control of my Olight Ti infinium. The 9290 has perfect HA and has become my belt sheath light. I haven't done any runtime tests but I run it on eneloops without a problem.

The other night I took my life in my hands and rode to the store with my wife as driver. I was able to play with the light, illuminating fields as we drove by. I was pretty happy with the throw. I think it is the best AA light I own.
It's a relabeled itp c7t with different ano, selfbuilt did a detailed review, I'll dig up a link once I get home. The old ones I had was perfect. The new one I got from repair (dome fell off the cree) had non square threads and a flaky switch. :sad:.
I know this may be an old thread, but I've been playing with my 9290 for a few months now and can say with some authority that it is one of the brightest, best feeling, best built AA flashlights in my collection. It is rather large for a AA light... but it is extremely bright and throwy without being overly ringy like most XR-Es. I like the brightness ramping and the forward clicky is always welcome. In all honesty though, my $14 SS XR-E Q5 Ultrafire C3 from DX is a bit brighter.