Maratac AAA problem?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 24, 2007
My Maratac AAA irradically flashes before turning on -if it turns on then it may skip from medium to high(M-L-H is normal) or will pulsate/flash before settling on a power. If I really crank down on it usually works OK but not up to par.Tried new batts/cleaning. Any suggestions?
I'd give it a good cleaning. Remove the spring and clean everything out with a Q-Tip and alcohol. Clean the threads and the inside of the head the same way (not real wet, just damp) then relube and give it a try. ;)
Take the spring out of the body and stretch the wide end to make it a tighter fit in the tube ... The iTP A3 can suffer the same problem.
If the other suggestions do not help, remove the head, place the body open end down on some 400 grit or finer sand paper and give it a couple of twists. This will true up the mating face and usually allows for improved contact.
Thanks all!
I just went down the posts trying each one - all had a slightly addative positive effect until I got to Patriot's post(sand the body end) which had the most positive effect.
Looks like sanding the body flattened the contact area enough to give it a new contact position with the PC board which must have been worn from the realativly sharp factory body end wearing on the contacts.
Works absolutely like new!! Thanks again.+++++:party:
Do you use one hand or both hands to twist it? I find that with the ITP, doing one handed twisting will result in flashing because I can't twist it down hard enough to avoid a momentary loss of contact when I turn it on.

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