Max charging Amps for AW's?


Jul 5, 2006
I searched a little and didn't see exactly what I'm after......

So I have a Bantam BC-6 charger and I can charge at 5 amps max. What is the max amps I should be using to get the longest cell life? I have the following AW protected cells:

AW C 3300 mAh
AW 18650 2200 mAh
AW 17670 1600 mAh
AW CR 123 750 mAh


AW 14250 300 mAh
Hello Sr.Gringo,

A good charge rate is 0.7C.

A 3300 mAh cell would be charged at 2.3 amps,
a 2200 mAh cell would be charged at 1.5 amps,
a 1600 mAh cell would be charged at 1.1 amps,
a 750 mAh cell would be charged at 0.5 amps,
and a 300 mAh cell would be charged at 0.2 amps.

Those charge rates will give you good life.

The maximum charge rate for these cells is 1C.

I agree with silverfoxe's recommendations. But don't try to charge the 750mAH RCR123 at 1C, because its really not even close to 750mAH. It's a 600mAH cell with a 750mAH wrapper. Charge it at no more then 600mAH.

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