MBI #3 - Codename: HF


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 11, 2009
busy busy busy...
Im still confused about most things you are talking about.... but maybe 1 days I will understand it.. I guess I`m a slow learner ;)
waiting for some new snapshots
Hi ChibiM,

hehe, thanks for the post and sorry for the confusion.
Somedays I'm confused myself with so much going on.
Any questions of course, feel welcome to ask.

Hi. New to this thread, and to CPF. In fact, the HF-R is the first artifact of any kind to move me to join an otaku-type discussion (and at 39 my tendencies are pretty stable). I am absolutely smitten.

I've read through the past six months of this thread and the MBI website and Fb timeline, but, given how many new offerings the Guy has in the works, I'm still a bit confused about the timing. Could someone help me understand (or point me somewhere where I could figure it out) what's happening when? Let me see if I have it straight:

* A new production run of the 3-mode HF-R aluminium is in the offing? Is preorder possible? (I did sign up for the restock notification)
* Torpedo and Zeus production runs expected before end of calendar 2014?
* Apollo: Is this to be a AAA Zeus? For 2015.Q1ish?
* Li-ion charger in the HF-R form factor: First production run 2014.Q4, with voltimeter sometime in 2015?

I'm in for an HF-R and a charger (possibly the one the Guy showed a few weeks back) at earliest availability. I'm finishing a Big, Complicated book (manuscript due with the editor in January), it's been a grueling year, and the light at the end of the tunnel is definitely coming from an HF-R.

Hi porous,

Welcome to CPF and thanks so much for coming aboard:)

At present here's how the timeline is looking for all things MBI

*HF-R Ti (very small batch)
*Ti ZoomHead with Nichia219 (very small batch)
CoreTi with latching switch (polished version)
* barring any surprises, these are near 100% certainty

**Ti Charger - 2mode (currently awaiting prototype completion/confirmation)
HF-R Copper & Ti (waiting on proto and test results of new parts)
Apollo (2mode 14500 only - awaiting parts/protos, timeline not totally firm)
** High probability, in the event I'm not satisfied with the extendable tube function, I may rollback to a single tube version but its mostly down to mechanics now.

Torpedo (working on new pcb version)
Zeus (PCBdriver looks good, waiting on its new prototype)
Additional charger versions
ZoomHeads Ti
Mom-Switch Ti
other options in development....

Hope that's of some help.



Newly Enlightened
Oct 19, 2014
*HF-R Ti (very small batch)
*Ti ZoomHead with Nichia219 (very small batch)
CoreTi with latching switch (polished version)
* barring any surprises, these are near 100% certainty

**Ti Charger - 2mode (currently awaiting prototype completion/confirmation)
HF-R Copper & Ti (waiting on proto and test results of new parts)
Apollo (2mode 14500 only - awaiting parts/protos, timeline not totally firm)
** High probability, in the event I'm not satisfied with the extendable tube function, I may rollback to a single tube version but its mostly down to mechanics now.

Hi Tgwnn, thanks for responding! This is a huge help. Count me in for one of the new HF-R, if I have not already missed my chance.

* Is the December HF-R to be a mixed Cu/Ti (or did I misread, did you mean HF-R in Copper and HF-R in Ti)? Does copper's heat transfer properties allow you to drive the emitter a bit harder?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 12, 2013
Hi porous :welcome:

Welcome to the tribe! Don't worry, there'll be plenty of HF-Rs to go around.

December's run will be Copper and Titanium HF-Rs. Unless Guy has come up with a new hybrid. :)

Well, looks like 2014 will have a lot of great things coming in the months remaining. :thumbsup:


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 11, 2009
So just when you thought I'd completely fallen asleep...

Just received this raw photo from the workshop


V1 charger prototypes almost ready.

Expecting a bunch more proto's towards end of next week too from a new machining facility and as its their first job, I'm expecting them to be on time (or is it the other way round?).
20x HF Tiny (10Cu, 10Ti)
20x HF-R (10Cu, 10Ti)
10x Other thing
Half of each batch polished and half raw so I can compare the finish.

If the HF-R are accurately produced, you can be sure I'll be fitting them with LEDs and put them in boxes.

I've been keeping busy as usual but spent a little time debugging the production timeline to work out what on earth takes so long. The 3 longest stretches without a doubt are always...
1) prototype machining
2) pre-production samples
3) production
4) circuits... (when applicable)

Hoping the new facility can help trim that down.
2 weeks for first proto machining and then a somewhat ambitious but doable 4 weeks for production batches.

Once I've confirmed the V1 proto chargers, will be making a test batch in Ti (probably 10ish), then the full batch to follow.

On another note, I received some potential Nuke samples from a new battery lab....
no go....
they couldn't hold their voltage nearly as well as the current nukes.
I'll keep searching though as its another way of making advancements.

I've been on early morning rosters the last month which makes it tough to stay awake too late so I have to steal some moments whenever I can to get things done in the evenings but hopefully the early morning won't be for too long.



Apr 30, 2013
Northern California
Another nice update Guy. Always burning the candle... Very much like the looks of things close. Sign me up, as usual!


P.S.I want at least one of the other thing's, whatever it may be....intriguing.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 11, 2009
This is a proto LED PCB for the new HF/R head approximately 9mm diameter.
This one is solid Aluminum with a high thermal transfer quotient (though I hope to make the production version in copper).

Need to be sure the LED won't melt off the PCB in the new internal head design.




Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 11, 2009
I can see how that would be something to avoid.
Thanks Bigmac,

I've actually had it happen in proto's where the heat build up caused the LED to just slide off the PCB.

Nonsense! What better way to encourage rigorous light discipline? Count me in for the new HF/R.
LOL :crackup:

Thanks porous.

Some HF Tiny proto's landed at the workshop today.…(new machining facility)
then expecting more from another facility next week.


The top one, is Ti5 (A titanium alloy with copper).
I'm yet to see it first hand but that dark Ti color looks killer!



Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 12, 2013
Make lots of TiCu HF Tiny lights, Guy. I'm pretty sure everyone here wants one. I know I do.:p


Newly Enlightened
Nov 9, 2012
Yorkshire, United Kingdom

I managed to test that hfr green anodized throughly and it appears it was the emitter/led head which was faulty. ;)

The TI works fine, although I think the switch threads need greasing as noth the green and ti do not seem smooth. I am happy to do that myself but what lube or grease do you use normally...

I also tried to pay for the cotton picker charger you didn't bill me for but it didn't go through.. so will pay for that alongwith a momentary switch and a zoomhead.. though your out of zoomheads at the minute :(

The TI is providing much assistance at work on patrol right now... if only i new a way of putting a microswitch extended button on it ;) as i have the hfr attached to my tactical vest now and turning it on quickly can be awkward to reach... ;)

Could you or some one tell me what you use to glue or stick the tritiums in the tail cap... as may have a go at that myself too...

Nice to see other people now joining up with us here, and I may be interested in a dark cu too.. I don't get much time online any more since work hours are long.

I am also thinking of buying another red hfr at some point and trying some uv glow o rings between each part of the body as that would help me locate the light when on site with no lighting....

do you or any one know if there is a supplier who does small glow in the dark o-rings but ideally double thickness since the last few o-rings supplied were cut or split :(

speak soon and wish you and the family well..

LeeJ (dog handler/captainrogersUK)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 11, 2009
Yes please.
Thanks mcbrat ;)

I want top one
Hi invisible_kid,
Me too :thumbsup:

Guy, that's what I want, it's what I need and it's what I have been dragging my heels waiting for!
Thanks kaichu dento,
Yes, I know you'd mentioned it a while back.
Let me get a hold of it, verify it and then see about making some HF-R with that material.

Make lots of TiCu HF Tiny lights, Guy. I'm pretty sure everyone here wants one. I know I do.:p
Thanks jonwkng,
Sounds like a good plan.

+1, or 10...
Ahh, thank you th8tredude :devil:

I managed to test that hfr green anodized throughly and it appears it was the emitter/led head which was faulty. ;)
Hi Captain,

Thanks for posting during your busy schedule:)
That green one was originally for personal consumption and I think I might have anodized the full head as-is.
Possibly that some anodizing solution got inside and played havoc with an internal wire inside the head.
Glad the new one is fulfilling its duty well.

what lube or grease do you use normally...
I use a locally made "contact grease" solution and its served me quite well.
I can probably send you a little in some miniature container.

though your out of zoomheads at the minute :(
A small batch coming really soon.

The TI is providing much assistance at work on patrol right now... if only i new a way of putting a microswitch extended button on it ;) as i have the hfr attached to my tactical vest now and turning it on quickly can be awkward to reach... ;)
Sound like you need a momentary-switch.
That will give you instant on.
btw, very curious as to how you attached it to your vest? keychain?

Could you or some one tell me what you use to glue or stick the tritiums in the tail cap... as may have a go at that myself too...
The CPF standard seems to be NOA61 (Norland Optical Adhesive 61) which is cured under UV (the sun works fine) though I imagine some kind of super glue or clear epoxy would be ok too.

I am also thinking of buying another red hfr at some point and trying some uv glow o rings between each part of the body as that would help me locate the light when on site with no lighting....
I have just the right thing....but you'll need to standby just a little longer.

do you or any one know if there is a supplier who does small glow in the dark o-rings but ideally double thickness.
Will send you some o-rings.
I can get some GID (glow in the dark) o-rings made but will they be visible hidden under the body?

speak soon and wish you and the family well..
Thanks Captain and likewise wish you and the extended dog family well too :D
