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McE2S - 2 stage switch question


Feb 1, 2003
Brentwood, TN
How do you determine the resistor value for the tail switch? If I wanted the two stage to be half the drive current or 1/4 the current, which resistors would be the closest? I have tried to read the FAQ and search the boards but I can't get a clear answer, and I'm sure it is there buried in more than I ever wanted to know :D. I want to use one on a BOG Lux III and one on an Aleph.

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I should just leave this to the experts but as I understand it, these switches work by taking the converter out of regulation and starving it from the power it needs to drive the LED at the designed current level. Each converter behaves differently and the battery voltage as well as state of discharge also figures into the equation if the equation can even be determined. So to be more clear, I have no idea what the answer is but I suspect no one else does either? :shrug:
Don't forget, things are also complicated by the fact that light intensity follows the inverse square law. So, even if you could arrive at the "correct" resistor value, it may still not give you want you're looking for.


You could do what I did - get a complete set of the resistor boards, then swap them in and out until you find one with the output you're looking for.:grin2:
:ohgeez: Dooh!! I think this hobby follows the "inverse square" of economics :D.

Thanks everyone. I ordered a few extra for the Surefire classic and will await arrival (hopefully) of some more Mc2ES blank boards with other values.