minewt x2 info?


Newly Enlightened
Nov 11, 2008
I just bought a "replacement" minewt x2 head from QBP (i work in a bike shop) for the express purpose of wiring it up to a battery i already have, or even a hub dynamo.

i was wondering if anyone has already done this and could maybe provide me with some more information. i'm considering springing for a cree mc-e to replace the seoul, but that will come later if at all. regardless, i really like the solid feel of the housing and just wish i knew more about the light.

it has a three-prong connector, is one of those leads for a gate-type on/off switch? i havent looked a the circuit board yet.
To my understanding, all the drivers/circuitry is inside the battery pack for the NR led lights.

I've never cracked them open, but considering thats where the switch is, and the provided "smart" charges don't appear to have anything overly complicated inside them, evidence points that way.