Minimag 2AA clip


Newly Enlightened
Jan 26, 2003
Does anyone know where I can pick up a clip for a Minimag 2AA?


P.S. I did do a search for it, but if there is a post about it, it is under one of the many nonsensical names some people use for maglite.
I actually prefer the Brinkmann AA clips for my MiniMags, at least the black ones. They are longer and more functional than the Mag clips IMHO. You can get them directly from Brinkmann here for $2.95 each. Fits perfectly.

If you need the actual Mag clips, I have seen them a few places sold by themselves, but they are available in the MiniMag accessory packs a lot of places, such as Brightguy who has the accessory pack for $3.95.

Thanks for the reply, It looks like Brinkmanns has free shipping. That is good and bad because now I don't have to order anything else to justify paying the shipping charge.


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