minimag AA tailcap tap type ??


Newly Enlightened
Sep 3, 2007
sorry guys if this has been posted before ... I wasn't able to find it

I got some minimags with trashed tail caps threads

and I want to recut them but I have no idea what tap type it is

or is it a mag own type ??

hopefully someone can help me out here

thanks guys I appreciate your help - as always :twothumbs

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The thread is 5/8 28. MSC Industrial stocks them. The lowest price is just under $30 for a tap, then you have to add shipping. If you have just a few, it may be better just to buy new mini-mags. I would not be too certain that running a tap through the damaged threads will fix them. There might not be enough material left on the inside.
Thank you all ... but $28 is too dear for my wallet


... offered by msc

I wasn't able to find any thread restoring files ?

think I'll let it go or going to ask a casual acquaintance who owns an engeenering concern

but it's good to know the tap type :thumbsup:

anyway I appreciate alls your answers

I think you are right, since the corners of the file are not usable.

I've chased bad threads in the past by using a tap with the right TPI but 1/2 (approx) diameter. Hold it by hand, matching the teeth with the threads. Run the cutting edge over the rough spots. It's not perfect, but with patience it does work OK with aluminum.

I think you are right, since the corners of the file are not usable.

I've chased bad threads in the past by using a tap with the right TPI but 1/2 (approx) diameter. Hold it by hand, matching the teeth with the threads. Run the cutting edge over the rough spots. It's not perfect, but with patience it does work OK with aluminum.


Another method I have used is to get a screw the same size as the tapped hole. I have filed a right angle groove in the screw, basically creating a tap. This is not something to use to create new threads, but it will clean up existing threads.