Minimag and Solitare upgrades.


Newly Enlightened
Oct 23, 2007
Hi guys, I have a minimag sitting around and I want to upgrade it to LED, please tell me your recommendations based on these criteria (it will be used in conjunction with a nite ize IQ switch)

1. Must be brighter then Minimag stock
2. Must last longer then the Minimag stock (on high mode)
3. Retain the ability to focus.
4. Should be below 20 USD.

right now im considering the Nite Ize 1 watt drop in, its not the brightest, but it is also only meant as a close work light and a night light.

Something much brighter wouldn't be a problem though because of the IQ switch, so please give all opinions. thanks

Solitare LED upgrade.

My gf has my old (10 - 15 years) solitare and since it has a long history with me as a child she assigns emotional value to it, but its useless. and she won't, just wont accept another light to replace it, so I need an LED upgrade for that as well, criteria:

1. Brighter
2. Longer runtime
3. Retain focusability. (is that a word?)

here I am considering the SMJLED2

thanks guys please keep the suggestions coming.
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Both SMJ drop ins from the Shoppe are great.

I have both and like them both. Beam is somewhat blue, but not bad.

THe 2 AA one is about as bright as a 1 watt Terralux (which is similar to the Nite-ize one).

I also have an IQ switch. THe switch drops output somewhat but works fine. Try with and without and see if you can handle the loss in lumens.

Both give great runtimes (14+ hours of the 2 AA, 3-4 for the soli).

No other good options for the soli. Terralux makes good options for the mini.

These all fit your criteria.
thanks so, if they are all about the same, go with the most economical?

nite ize combo: 17 USD (shipped)

shoppe: 11 USD (shipping?) + 9 USD shipped (IQ switch)

really a close call...

how do the shoppe and the nite ize compare in build quality light output and whatever else you can think off??
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Don't have the Nite IZe so can't say. You will likely have similar output with both drop-ins but 3x the runtime with the SMJ.

Better tint is likely with the Nite-ize. Both seem to have good build quality tho I only know the nite-ize through pix.

Should be a better deal somewhere for the IQ switch. Seems costly at $9.
I have the NiteIze 1 watt with IQ switch and love it for around the house at night. It's not as bright as I think it should be, or compared to other 1 watt Lux I's that I have, but it gets the job done. That being said, expect the IQ switch to drop the output of anything you pair with it around 15% because of internal resistance in the switch. Either way, it's better in every respect compared to the original incan bulb.
Thanks guys, im finding that the shipping is ridiculously though

I am trying to buy the PMT:

The IQ switich:

And then the MJ led.

all together that should only be 20 bucks, but seeing how I order all of these from different sites the shipping adds up to another 20 bucks !!!!!

this is ridicoulus, im not gonna spend 6 bucks on shipping for a 4 buck item.

what to do? does anyone know a source for any of these items that doesn't charge ridiculed amounts of shipping?
Where do you live?

Sandwich shoppe has very reasonable shipping (even to Canada). You could get a kroll clicky and SMJ if you can handle only 1 level.

I'm unsure where a good source for IQ's is...

BTW, I may have an Extra Power holster. Let me find it and get back to you. Shipping would not be much. I'll PM you once I find out if I still have it.
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true the shoppe shipping is very reasonable :twothumbs

the rest isn't though :(

I'd second the Kroll switch if you could do without the multiple levels of the IQ switch.

I recently picked up some Kroll switches from another member on here and really like them.
Well, both Walmart and Target have the NiteIze 1 watt and IQ switchs in stock, and if you feel like a drive to Evans GA or Spartanbug SC, Academy Sports has just about all of the flashlight accessories in stock that NiteIze carries.
Well, both Walmart and Target have the NiteIze 1 watt and IQ switchs in stock, and if you feel like a drive to Evans GA or Spartanbug SC, Academy Sports has just about all of the flashlight accessories in stock that NiteIze carries.

i did a quick search on their website, they don't seem to carry ANY niteize stuff
i did a quick search on their website, they don't seem to carry ANY niteize stuff

They carry a lot in the store that isn't on their website. Most stores work like that, putting just a fraction of stock online. Trust me, Academy carries a section of nothing but NiteIze LED upgrades, holsters, attachments, clips, rope binders, S clips, headband, etc. If you are unsure, call the store ahead and have them check the shelves for you.

Walmart and Target just have the LED upgrades, and some combos including the tailcaps.
They carry a lot in the store that isn't on their website. Most stores work like that, putting just a fraction of stock online. Trust me, Academy carries a section of nothing but NiteIze LED upgrades, holsters, attachments, clips, rope binders, S clips, headband, etc. If you are unsure, call the store ahead and have them check the shelves for you.

Walmart and Target just have the LED upgrades, and some combos including the tailcaps.

thanks, ill check the store on my way to greenville