MIRT left on ties up traffic


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
A little while back I got caught in a traffic jam that happened because an ambulance rushed by, flashing it's MIRT to change the traffic lights to red. Then it pulled over and parked within view of the intersection, leaving the MIRT on and freezing the traffic light for a looooooong time! Finally someone must have realized what happened and shut it off and traffic eventually started flowing again.

I know we have some EMTs here; can you please turn that thing off when you're parked?

BTW, P posted this thread in this area because those gadgets use LEDs, of course. :grin2:
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I've had that happen before, I had my passenger get out and hit the crosswalk signal for the other way and it worked. Sometimes the light system just gets stuck after they go through. That also works when the signals "Get stuck" and your waiting for many light cycles and yours doesnt change. By the way, I wonder if anyones ever build an MIRT into a light like a mag.HMMM
Not into a device like a mag, not enough reflector. However, they sell Opticom emitters in the form factor of a rechargeable spotlight for testing purposes. However, most systems run ID now... good luck activating them.

For the OP... in general, law and policy dictates that preemption emitters be wired up to park kill (generally parking brake on heavy apparatus). Sounds like someone wired something improperly.
tvsjr said:
For the OP... in general, law and policy dictates that preemption emitters be wired up to park kill (generally parking brake on heavy apparatus). Sounds like someone wired something improperly.

Good information, tvsjr and Carabidae... thanks. I wish I'd made note of the ambulance owner; I would've mentioned the porential wiring issue to their dispatcher.